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Suicide Prevention and Response Expert Advisory Committee

The Suicide Prevention and Response Expert Advisory Committee (Expert Advisory Committee) is the key advisory structure that will support suicide prevention and response efforts in Victoria, as recommended by the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.

The Expert Advisory Committee will provide advice on evidence-informed approaches to suicide prevention and response, including how the Victorian Government best adopts a whole-of-government, community-wide, systems-based approach.

The Expert Advisory Committee will ensure that lived experience knowledge and insights are integrated into government decision-making, that diverse and intersectional perspectives of suicide prevention and response are valued and inform government policies and programs, and that lived experience is central to the oversight, monitoring and evaluation of suicide prevention and response efforts.

It will also provide advice on data and evidence to drive outcomes; how to uplift workforce and community capacity and capabilities; delivery of compassionate services that respond earlier to distress; groups that are disproportionately impacted by suicide; and existing frameworks, models or programs that can be built upon.

The Victorian Department of Health is currently seeking expressions of interest (EOI) to join the Expert Advisory Committee for a period of 12 months.

Successful applicants will be selected to ensure a diversity of skills, knowledge and perspectives, including lived experience and sector expertise.

Interested applicants should fill in the accompanying application form (EOI Expert Advisory Committee) and return to the State Suicide Prevention and Response Adviser at bailey.nation-ingle@health.vic.gov.au by 18 August 2022

EOI Expert Advisory Committee

DOCX 139.0 KB

Position Description EAC

DOCX 343.1 KB

Draft Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

DOCX 335.0 KB


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