- Submission on the next Victorian HIV Strategy (October 2020)
- Joint submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System: Support for people living with HIV (July 2019)
- AFAO/ASHM fact sheet on access to PrEP (February 2018)
- AFAO’s ending HIV blueprint (August 2017)
- Position statement on PrEP (November 2016)
- Submission to the Therapeutic Goods Administration inquiry into HIV self-testing (May 2014)
- Submission to the draft Seventh National HIV Strategy 2014 – 2017 (May 2014)
- Report on financial barriers to HIV treatment in Victoria (January 2014)
- Fact sheet on rapid HIV testing (August 2012)
Policy & Advocacy

Thorne Harbour Health works to protect and promote the health and human rights of people from LGBTIQ+ communities and all people living with HIV — by developing policy, influencing decision-makers, and forming strategic partnerships.
If you have any questions about Thorne Harbour Health’s policy and advocacy work, please contact: policy@thorneharbour.org
- Submission to the Joint Committee on Law Enforcement inquiry into Australia’s illicit drug problem: challenges and opportunities for law (January 2023)
- Position statement on medically supervised injecting rooms (December 2020)
- Position statement on medicinal cannabis (February 2020)
- Position statement on drug detection dogs (August 2019)
- Position statement on drug decriminalisation (August 2019)
- Position statement on pill testing / drug safety testing (March 2019)
- Submission on the next National Tobacco Strategy (August 2018)
- Joint statement on a medically supervised injecting centre trial in Victoria (September 2017)
- Joint statement opposing the Miscellaneous Amendment Bill 2017 (August 2017)
- Submission to the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2026 Census Topic Review (April 2023)
- Thorne Harbour Health recommends researchers conducting research involving LGBTIQ+ people refer to the Standard for Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables, 2020 (the Standard). The Standard was developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to standardise the collection and dissemination of data relating to sex, sexual orientation, gender, and variations of sex characteristics. Thorne Harbour Health’s Community Research Endorsement Panel can be contacted for further guidance and information.
- Writing Themselves In 4: The health and wellbeing of LGBTQA+ young people in Australia (February 2021)
- Private Lives 3: A national survey of the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people in Australia (August 2020)
- The health and wellbeing of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer population in Victoria: Findings from the Victorian Population Health Survey 2017 (September 2020)
- PARTNER-2 study: Risk of HIV transmission through condomless sex in serodifferent gay couples with the HIV-positive partner taking suppressive antiretroviral therapy (PARTNER): final results of a multicentre, prospective, observational study (May 2019)
- Opposites Attract study: Viral suppression and HIV transmission in serodiscordant male couples: an international, prospective, observational, cohort study (August 2018)
- PARTNER-1 study: Sexual activity without condoms and risk of HIV transmission in serodifferent couples when the HIV-positive partner is using suppressive antiretroviral therapy (July 2016)
- Submission to the Department of Justice and Community Safety - Protecting more Victorians from vilification (September 2023)
- Joint Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry into Religious Educational Institutions and Anti-discrimination laws (February 2023)
- Position statement on reforming the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) (June 2021)
- Submission to the Victorian Parliament's Legal and Social Issues Committee on the inquiry into anti-vilification protections (December 2019)
- Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on legislative exemptions that allow faith-based educational institutions to discriminate against students, teachers and staff (November 2018)
- Submission to the Religious Freedom Review (February 2018)
- Community briefing on conversion practices and the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020 (Vic) (December 2020)
- Submission to the Department of Justice and Community Safety on legislative options to prohibit conversion practices in Victoria (November 2019)
- Submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission on protecting and promoting the human rights of people born with variations in sex characteristics in the context of medical interventions (October 2018)
- Position statement on a marriage equality postal vote (September 2017)
- Joint statement on the harmful health effects of marriage discrimination (August 2017)
- Position statement on a marriage equality plebiscite (August 2015)
- Submission to the National Mental Health Commission’s National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy (February 2023)
- Submission to the Victoria Government Eating Disorder Strategy Discussion Paper (November 2022)
- Submission to the Victoria Government Suicide Strategy (August 2022)
- Final report: The cost of adverse mental health outcomes in the LGBTIQ+ Victorian adult population (March 2022)
- Summary: The cost of adverse mental health outcomes in the LGBTIQ+ Victorian adult population (March 2022)
- Joint submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System: Toward a mental health system that works for LGBTIQ people (July 2019)
- Joint statement calling on the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System to consider on LGBTI mental health (June 2019)
- Submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health (April 2019)
- Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System Consumer Talking Points (April 2019)
- Position statement on LGBTI refugees and people seeking asylum (February 2020)
- HIV & AIDS Priorities (2022 Victorian election)
- LGBTIQ+ Priorities (2022 Victorian election)
- Panel discussion: Activism Then & Now (November 2018)
- Position statement on preselection quotas for LGBTI candidates (June 2016)
- Re: Imogen (No. 6) [2020] FamCA 761 (10 September 2020)
- Re: Imogen (No. 4) [2020] FamCA 396 (21 May 2020)
- WRMF v National Disability Insurance Agency [2019] AATA 1771 (8 July 2019)
- Palmer v the State of Western Australia [2018] WASCA 225 (20 December 2018)
- United States v Nagarwala (ED Mich, Crim No 17-CR-20274, 20 November 2018)
- State budget submission (2023)
- State budget submission (2021)
- State budget submission (2018)
- State budget submission (2017)
- State budget submission (2016)