NDIS Support for LGBTIQA+ People
We provide specialised LGBTIQ+ support services for people with disability.
Whatever your sexuality, sex characteristics, or gender, you will be treated with respect when seeking help at Thorne Harbour Health. All lesbian, gay, bi+, trans, gender diverse, intersex, and queer people with a disability are welcomed.
Express Your Interest
We Offer the Following LGBTIQA+ NDIS Disability Support Services:
- Support coordination: We work with you to help you understand your NDIS plan and choose the best support services to help you achieve your goals.
- Help at home: We provide you with help in the home, including cooking, shopping and cleaning, and we help empower you to live independently.
- Community participation: We support you to take part in a range of community activities, including social events and training opportunities.
If you have an NDIS plan and are considering Thorne Harbour Health as your support provider, find our referral forms here in two versions: PDF & Word Doc.
If you do not have a plan yet, but believe you may benefit from NDIS support, click here to find out more about how to apply to the NDIS.
Our LGBTIQA+ NDIS Support Focuses on
Our providers specialise in the following areas of support:
- Providing person-centred LGBTIQA+ NDIS services tailored to each participant’s identified needs and goals.
- Ensuring a culturally safe and stigma-free environment.
- Promoting client choice and control in all aspects of service delivery.
- Building the capacity of our clients.
- Meeting the needs of our communities: people living with HIV and people with disability in the LGBTIQA+ community.
NDIS Provider Prices
The prices for the services we provide are in line with the NDIS Price Guide. To find out more information about our prices, please call us on (03) 9863 0430 or email ndis@thorneharbour.org.
More information
If you would like more information or wish to provide feedback, please call (03) 9863 0430 or email ndis@thorneharbour.org. You can also request a copy of our NDIS Participant Guide, which sets out our approach to providing NDIS services and how we help you to achieve your NDIS goals.
About the NDIS
The NDIS provides individualised, direct support for people with disability. It is available to all Australians aged under 65 who have a permanent and significant disability.
The NDIS website has a lot of information about how the NDIS came about and how it works. (https://www.ndis.gov.au/about-us/operational-guidelines/overview-ndis-operational-guideline/overview-ndis-operational-guideline-about-ndis).
Thorne Harbour Health recognises the critical importance of upholding the human rights principles of the NDIS, which are based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Charlie's Story
Charlie’s road to recovery has been a journey of building capacity and learning new skills, but sometimes it’s just about getting through the day.
As a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Charlie has been able to draw on his network of services to support his decisions while on his road to recovery, one step at a time. The NDIS has given Charlie a choice in his recovery - a recovery model that suits him.
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