Tag Results
27 results for alcohol-and-other-drugs
Our Services
Alcohol and Other Drug Services (AOD)
We offer a range of free specialised alcohol and other drug (AOD) services designed to support our LGBTIQ+ communities and people living with HIV.
Alcohol and Other Drug Services (AOD)
Injectable Drugs
If you choose to inject drugs, it is best to know how to do so as safely as possible to minimise the potential negative health consequences. Unsafe injecting risks include blood-borne viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis C, as well as dirty hits, bruising, vein damage, blood poisoning and abscesses.Remember: a new kit for every hit.
Women's Health
Drink Limits
Drink Limits is a free eight-week women's support group looking at alcohol and anxiety for lesbian, bisexual and queer women (cis and trans) and anyone female-identifying.
South Australia
Alcohol and Other Drug Service
Alcohol and Drug Support for LGBTIQA+ people. An affirming, welcoming and accessible service, designed to meet the specific needs of our communities. This service is run by community, for community.
News & Events
Well Well Well (JOY 94.9)
For over 18 years and 900 episodes, Well, Well, Well has been broadcasting on JOY 94.9 - Australia's out and proud community radio station. On air every Thursday night from 9PM, Well Well Well focuses on the health and wellbeing of our LGBTIQA+ and PLHIV communities.
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15 Feb 2019
Two Winners for Film Competition
The votes have been counted, and it's a tie! Two filmmakers, Sam McGowan & Millie Hayes, were announced as winners for the Keep the Vibe Alive film competition at this week's 2019 Melbourne Queer Film Festival Program Launch.
24 Jul 2019
Winter 2019 Newsletter
The winter newsletter is out! Have a read to find out about our submissions to Victoria's Royal Mental Health Commission, the PARTi Project's time in Amsterdam, and Emen8's Guys Like Me. Guys Like You. Guys Like Us. Plus, check out updates from the teams at SAMESH and Equinox.
24 Jul 2019
PARTi in Amsterdam
In early May, Kate Pern and Gaia Miller-Foote from Thorne Harbour Health and Star Health’s joint harm reduction initiative, the PARTi Project, had the exciting opportunity to travel to Amsterdam to present at the 11th International Club Health Conference on nightlife, substance use and related health issues.
9 May 2022
A New Face Behind Therapeutic Services
We recently welcomed Alyssha Fooks to Thorne Harbour Health as the Manager of Therapeutic Services and Capacity Building. With a portfolio that includes family violence, counselling, alcohol and other drug use, and building the capacity of mainstream services – Alyssha took a moment to talk about her work and coming to Thorne Harbour.
21 Jun 2023
The Harbour: Social Housing for LGBTIQ+ Communities
Thorne Harbour Health is partnering with Housing Choices Australia to create long-term LGBTIQ+ housing.
6 Feb 2024
Navigating Life's Seas with Anchor
Anchor is Thorne Harbour’s newest support group for gay, bi+, and queer men (cis and trans inclusive) who want to change, control, or stop their alcohol use.We sat down with Anchor facilitators George and Lewis to ask them some of the most common questions people have about the group.
29 Feb 2024
ReWired: Unplugging Old Habits, Making New Connections
ReWired is Thorne Harbour Health’s free group support program for gay/bi+/queer men (cis/trans) who want to change their methamphetamine use and manage their mental health.We sat down with ReWired’s current facilitator, Joe and James, to discuss the group and what new participants can expect.
6 Mar 2024
Drink Limits: Seeing the Best in Ourselves
Thorne Harbour Health’s support group, Drink Limits, provides a safe space for lesbian, bi+ and queer women (cis/trans and femme identifying people) to navigate their relationship with alcohol.
17 Jul 2024
How Meth Affects Your Mind and Body
As a potent drug, meth can have serious side effects on your body which can cause health complications. If you're using meth for wired play, chemsex, or any other reason, it’s important to understand how meth affects your mind and body so you can take care of yourself.
29 Aug 2024
International Overdose Awareness Day: What You Should Know
On August 31, we observe International Overdose Awareness Day – the largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died, and hold space for the grief of family and friends left behind.
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Media Releases
6 Jun 2019
Release of TGA decision regarding ‘amyl’ raises questions for community
Today the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has handed down its decision regarding alkyl nitrites, commonly known as ‘amyl’ or ‘poppers’. Thorne Harbour Health recognises that the decision demonstrates the power of community advocacy but expresses concerns for the short term implications.Late last year, the TGA postponed the release of any decision after community backlash over the possibility of alkyl nitrites being scheduled alongside prohibited drugs like heroin and methamphetamine. In response, the TGA accepted written submissions and held a series of public consultation sessions earlier this year to allow for community feedback and gain a better understanding of how alkyl nitrites are used.“The fact that we’ve seen Australia turnaround from a decision to ban amyl is actually quite remarkable,” said Thorne Harbour CEO Simon Ruth.“It’s really a testament to our community’s continued legacy of mobilisation and activism. We can’t take that for granted as other parts of the world haven’t been so successful.”The TGA decision posted this morning directly mentions that the community submissions and public meetings were taken into consideration as it determined:Amyl nitrites will be classified as Schedule 3 “when in preparations for human therapeutic use and packaged in containers with child-resistant closures” — meaning they can be purchased from behind the counter at a pharmacist pending appropriate packaging.Isoamyl nitrite, butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite and octyl nitrite will remain on schedule 4 — effectively restricting them to ‘prescription only’ access.Isopropyl nitrite & n-propyl nitrite will be classified as Schedule 10 - prohibiting them from sale, supply, and use due to the potential health risks of temporary or permanent retinal maculopathy.This decision goes into effect from February 2020. While this means amyl nitrite may eventually be available through pharmacies, there are no products currently on the market for this purpose in Australia.“This a reasonably good outcome, but we’re concerned about what this will mean in the next year. It may be two years before we see amyl nitrites in the marketplace,” said Simon Ruth.“We’re going to potentially see affected communities fall into a grey area. We’re now calling on state governments to work with the community to ensure that we don’t see gay men and other men who have sex with men criminalised for possession and use of amyl in the meantime.”The TGA decision is publicly available online: https://www.tga.gov.au/scheduling-decision-final/final-decisions-matters-referred-march-2019-joint-acms-accs-meeting.
23 Dec 2019
Thorne Harbour advises communities to take additional care with MDMA this summer
As summer gets underway, Thorne Harbour Health is advising the community to take additional care if using MDMA (also known as ecstasy). During the holidays and summer festival season, it’s not uncommon to see an increase in the use of drugs like MDMA. In the past, MDMA has been sold as pills and caps, although increasingly it is being sold in a crystal or ‘rock’ form.Australian research is showing that it is becoming common for people to be sold high strength MDMA crystal in 1 gram and 3.5 gram bags. One gram of crystal may be the equivalent of 10 or more pills or capsules. An overdose of MDMA can be fatal. In fact, it led to six deaths last summer in NSW alone. It is important that people know what they are taking, how much they are taking, and what is a normal dose. Information about MDMA can be found on the EROWID website.Thorne Harbour Health (THH), a provider of alcohol and other drug services to LGBTI communities, is asking people who may engage in drug use to take additional precautions to minimise the risk of potential harms.“We know the use of MDMA in crystal form has become more common, and people need to educate themselves quickly if purchasing MDMA in this form for the first time in order to prevent accidental overdose,” said THH CEO Simon Ruth.Dr Stephen Bright from Edith Cowan University added, “Dosing with these drugs becomes an issue. You really need scales and reagent testing to accurately know that what you’re taking and how much of it. You cannot ‘eye-ball’ a dose of MDMA.”“MDMA also places a lot of strain on your cardiovascular system. MDMA overdose, effectively, can manifest as a heart attack. Someone using MDMA needs to be conscious of the amount of physical activity they’re undertaking whether that be excessive dancing or having sex. Any activity that could significantly increase your heart rate poses risks.”Halving doses is one strategy being advised to mitigate these risks. When trying a new batch of a drug for the first time, by taking half, you can test the effects of the drug before deciding whether or not to take the rest of it. Taking half can also be an effective risk reduction strategy when redosing with MDMA.“If you’re redosing, only taking half is one way to help mitigate the strain you’re putting on your cardiovascular system whilst maximising the pleasurable effects, and of course you need to stay properly hydrated,” advises Dr Bright.While MDMA does not specifically dehydrate you, it can cause your system to overheat. When combined with the diuretic effects of alcohol and the fluid loss from physical exertion, someone taking these drugs may be at risk of dehydration. Conversely, MDMA causes the body to retain water on a cellular level, so drinking an excess of water can also cause fatal issues. In lieu of water, low-sugar electrolyte drinks are an effective alternative to properly rehydrate.“At the end of the day, if you’re going to use these drugs, we want the community to be smart about it. Avoid alcohol, keep an eye on physical activity, try to not overheat, make sure you’re with trusted friends who can help in an emergency, and don’t hesitate to contact emergency services on ‘000’,” said Simon Ruth.“As with all drugs, people may believe what they’re buying is MDMA, but in an unregulated market, you can never be sure of what exactly you’re taking. This is especially true when you’re talking about drugs in powdered forms.”If you suspect overdose or would like support for a non-urgent overdose, call the 24-hour Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26. Earlier this year, Thorne Harbour Health released a position statement advocating for pill testing and drug safety testing: thorneharbour.org/about/policy-advocacy/
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FRI Oct 23
Location: Online Via Zoom
Time: 6.30p.m.
WED May 27
Location: Online Via Zoom
Time: 6.30p.m.
TUE Apr 20
Location: Online
Time: 4.30p.m.
THU Jan 30 to THU Mar 20
Location: Thorne Harbour Health, 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Time: 5.30p.m.
MON Apr 17
HR2023: LGBTIQ+ Networking
Location: Courtyard Room, Melbourne Conference & Exhibition Centre
Time: 5.00p.m.
THU Oct 10
Location: Thorne Harbour Health, 200 Hoddle St, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Time: 5.00p.m.
TUE Jul 23
Location: Thorne Harbour Health, 200 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford VIC
Time: 6.30p.m.
MON Mar 31
SMART Group Support
Location: 1/122 Carrington Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Time: 6.00p.m.
TUE Jul 30
ReWired 2.0
Location: Thorne Harbour Health, 200 Hoddle St, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Time: 6.30p.m.
WED Jul 17
ReWired Adelaide
Location: ONLINE
Time: 6.00p.m.