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What is Counselling?

Counselling involves talking in a confidential, non-judgmental, supportive and respectful environment. The counsellor will support you to work through issues with increased awareness and understanding. It can help you develop greater self-acceptance, awareness, and make life changes and decisions.

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Our Counselling team supports people of all ages and identities with issues such as counselling:

  • New or recent HIV diagnosis
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Sexual Assault
  • Living with HIV
  • Gender identity
  • Coming out
  • Living with HEP C
  • HIV and relationships
  • LGBTIQ intimate partner & family violence
  • Self-esteem
  • Grief and loss
  • HIV positive friends, family members or partners
  • Relationship issues
  • Safer sex, PrEP and PEP

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Our counsellors are professionally trained in psychology, social work, counselling, family or psychotherapy. They are sensitive to the needs of people living with HIV and members of our LGBTIQ+ communities. All counsellors are bound by a code of practice, ethical frameworks, privacy, confidentiality and duty of care policies.

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Counselling appointments are currently provided free of charge.

On-site appointments are available at:

  • 200 Hoddle St, Abbotsford
  • The Victorian Pride Centre, St Kilda
  • 58 Mundy St, Bendigo.

Telehealth appointments (via Zoom or phone) are also available.

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  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9AM – 5PM
  • Tuesday, Thursday 9AM – 8PM

If you would like to book in for an appointment or discuss services that may be relevant to you, call our Duty Worker 9AM-5PM Monday-Friday.

Phone: (03) 9865 6700 or 1800 134 840 (free call for country callers).

If we are unable to answer your call, we will get back to you within the next working day.

In case you are unable to speak to us and you are in crisis please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Rainbow Door.

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Brief & Collaborative Counselling is a short-term counselling service, up to 3 sessions. It is based on Single Session Therapy (SST), which is an evidence-informed, person-centred framework intended to help you manage your most immediate concerns or goals. You and your counsellor work together on strategies for support and change.

At the beginning of your first session, your counsellor will guide you through a questionnaire. This will assist you to reflect and for your counsellor to find out more about your goals for the session. Sessions are scheduled for up to 90 minutes. At the end of your first session, your counsellor will arrange a follow-up phone call to see how you’re going and discuss options for further support.

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Low cost or no cost Medicare-funded counselling are available to adults with a diagnosed (mild to moderate) mental illness, or clients under the age of 18 with a provisional diagnosis. '

Accessible Psychological Interventions (API) are available to people who live, work, or study in the City of Port Philip or Stonnington areas. Targeted Psychological Support Service (TPSS) are available to people who live, work, or study within the NWMPHN catchment.

In order to access API or TPSS counselling, contact us for current availability and speak to your GP about a referral to LGBTIQ+ affirmative counselling at Thorne Harbour Health.

Find more information here:
Star Health - https://www.starhealth.org.au/counselling-mental-health/accessible-psychological-interventions/

CAREinMIND - https://nwmphn.org.au/for-primary-care/clinical-support/careinmind-mental-health-services/

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At Thorne Harbour we use the term “family” to include any people who you might identify as significant people in your life and community. For example chosen family, friends, or community. Including others means that you can talk with us about who matters to you and there is an option of including them as part of your care at THH.

Increasing connectedness and support and having better relationships with the people who matter helps improve the well-being of LGBTIQ people and the important people in their lives.


Thorne Harbour relies upon your continued support
