VAC Newsletter - Spring 2017

21 Sep 2017
With the marriage equality survey underway, our community is keeping incredibly active at the moment. This issue of the VAC newsletter looks at some of the ways we've been taking action and how you can look after your wellbeing. We also look back at our third annual Lesbian, Bisexual & Queer Women's Health Conference, co-presented with ACON, and look forward to the 25th Anniversary of the Victorian Red Ribbon in the lead up to World AIDS Day. There's plenty more in this edition so check it out!
Read the latest issue!
In other news
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Gary and Dylan's Rainbow Connection
At the heart of Thorne Harbour Health’s Rainbow Connection program lies the power of intergenerational friendships. For Gary, a retired gay man with a storied past, and Dylan, a dedicated volunteer juggling a full-time career, their relationship has become a meaningful exchange of experiences and support.
19 Jul 2024
The Joy of Trans and Gender Diverse Peer Support
Kai* came to TAPS (Trans and Gender Diverse Alcohol/Drug Peer Support group) hungry to connect with gender diverse peers, to be understood, and to participate in a safe sharing of experiences.