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19 Jul 2018

Newsletter - Winter 2018

We've turned 35! With that milestone and our community's legacy in mind, we've changed our name to Thorne Harbour Health. This Winter 2018 edition of the newsletter features this big announcement as well as the recent LGBTIQ Women's Health Conference and the latest events going on around the organisation.

28 Mar 2018

VAC Newsletter - Autumn 2018

22 Feb 2018

EOI for Disability Capacity Building Work Team

As one of Australia's largest HIV and LGBTI service providers, we're committed to supporting and promoting the health and wellbeing of sexually and gender diverse communities.We would like to invite expressions of interest from LGBTI community members with a disability who would like to join the VAC Disability Capacity Building Work Team for 2018.The team will be established to support us in improving inclusion of LGBTI people with a disability in service delivery, the creation of the first VAC Disability Report and Action Plan, and the development of a model for organisational capacity building that may be applied to other LGBTI and disability organisations to build capacity in services, including the development of the Victorian Pride Centre.Work team members will participate in a two-way mentoring process — building the organisational skills and knowledge of work team members as well as increase disability inclusion skills and knowledge of VAC staff.Purpose of the Advisory GroupReviewing our current practices against disability access best practice principlesIdentifying good practice and benchmarking the application of disability inclusion principlesDeveloping a LGBTI Disability Action Plan and associated frameworkTo assist in the development of a model for organisational capacity buildingTo affirm and assist in the development of LGBTI pride and disability pride within VAC and the broader communityOverseeing implementation of the planTo position LGBTI community members with a disability to advocate for disability engagement and inclusion in the Victorian Pride CentreAttendanceFinancial reimbursement will be provided as per Health Issue Centre Guidelines.Meeting Frequency & LocationMeetings will occur monthly or more frequently depending on need. The meetings will be held at VAC's head office at 615 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne.Application ProcessIf you would like to submit an expression of interest please forward the following to jackson.fairchild@vac.org.auResumeA letter briefly addressing the key points below.Demonstrated understanding of the lived experience of LGBTI people with a disabilityInterest in developing further knowledge and skills in capacity building for LGBTI and mainstream services around LGBTI Disability inclusion.Availability to commit to regular advisory group meetings.Applications close Midnight 11th March, 2018.

22 Dec 2017

VAC Newsletter - Summer 2017/2018

20 Nov 2017

PLC Newsletter - Summer 2017

20 Nov 2017

2017 VAC Annual General Meeting

21 Sep 2017

VAC Newsletter - Spring 2017

07 Sep 2017

Joint statement supporting a medically supervised injecting centre trial in Victoria

03 Aug 2017

Joint Statement Opposing the Miscellaneous Amendment Bill 2017

“LGBTI communities are disproportionately impacted by drug use. The criminalisation of personal possession and use of drugs is counterproductive, adds to stigma and discrimination within these populations, and doesn’t recognise that substance abuse is a health problem that no amount of law enforcement can fix.” - VAC CEO Simon Ruth

29 Jun 2017

PLC Newsletter - Winter 2017

19 Jun 2017

VAC launches Protocol for the Initiation of Hormone Therapy for Trans and Gender Diverse Patients

The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) is proud to release our Protocol for the Initiation of Hormone Therapy for Trans and Gender Diverse Patients, based on the informed consent model.Created by VAC for Equinox, the guide was designed and developed with rigorous community consultation to remove unnecessary barriers in accessing hormone therapies. This is the first publicly released clinical guidelines that were developed with and for the TGD community.Download the guide in the link below.

12 Jun 2017

VAC Newsletter - Winter 2017


Thorne Harbour relies upon your continued support
