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VAC Congratulates GLOBE Award Winners

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The inaugural GLOBE Awards held at the Myer Mural Hall on Friday 17 October saw the
LGBTI community recognise excellence and achievement across a variety of areas. VAC congratulates all
GLOBE Award winners - in particular those whom VAC has worked so closely with over the past year.
Winning the Healthy Community Award, Young & Gay is VAC’s Peer Education program for gay men under
the age of 26.
VAC Peer Education Coordinator Budi Sudarto said, “Young & Gay has been running for 20 years, and this
award is dedicated to the many volunteers who have helped their friends overcome difficulties relating to
their sexuality while receiving education on sexual health and safe-sex. The program truly demonstrates
the benefit of engaging with young people, empowering them to empower each other, all done to improve
the health and well being of young people in particular, and the GLBTIQ community in general.”
VAC and Living Positive Victoria were recognised for their joint campaign to Repeal 19A with the award for
Protecting Our Community. The joint efforts to repeal Section 19A of the Crimes Act 1958 (VIC) resulted
in an announcement from the Victorian Government to amend the law followed by a commitment from
the Opposition to repeal the law altogether if elected in next month’s election. The law adds to the stigma
experienced by people living with HIV (PLHIV) and such laws are proven to be counterproductive HIV
prevention and policy initiatives.
Clayton Wimshurst walked away with the Volunteer of the Year Award for his worked with VAC’s Outreach
Program. Aimed at improving the sexual health of gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM),
the program has trained volunteers go out to sex on premises venues and online cruising sites to offer
sexual health information and resources to the community.
Clayton said, “I feel both honoured and privileged to receive this award with so many people doing amazing
things to help our community. I volunteer because I love the work, and it allows me to feel connected to
the community. This award has strengthened that connection.”
“Recognising those members of our community who give of their time and skills so generously is an
important thing to do. VAC relies heavily on volunteers like Clayton so that we can extend our reach and
our services to the wider community. Thanks to GLOBE for providing this event,” said VAC President Greg


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