VAC Annual Report Wins at Australasian Reporting Awards
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23 Jun 2015
Last week’s 65th Annual Australasian Reporting Awards saw the Victorian AIDS Council
(VAC) take home the Communication Award in the Not-for-Profit sector joining the ranks of award winners
including BHP Billiton, ABC, Sydney Opera House, and the ATO - to name a few.
“VAC saw an incredible amount of change in the 2013-2014 financial year including the introduction of
the PRONTO! rapid HIV testing service, the rebranding of the entire organisation, and a real change of
pace leading up to, and since, AIDS 2014,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth. “Capturing all of this in an engaging
way through our Annual Report is no small feat and really speaks to the talent we have within our
communications team.”
Director, Health Promotion, Policy & Communications Colin Batrouney heads up this team and said, “We’re
very proud of the report as a showcase of the work that’s possible when you have community support. The
publication features pairs of volunteers from start to finish in a fun and accessible way that invites you to
get to know more about us as an organisation. It’s an honour to have this recognised nationally.”
The VAC Annual Report is released every year at the organisation’s Annual General Meeting in November.
A digital copy of this and previous VAC Annual Reports is available online at:
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