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State Reform to Drug & Alcohol Services for LGBTI Community

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The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) commends the state Government for addressing the
needs of LGBTI communities in its reform of alcohol and drug treatment services. Minister for Mental
Health Mary Wooldridge announced earlier this month that LGBTI communities, will benefit from an
enhanced focus and accountability on the part of all providers together with specialist services in line with
the government’s Reducing the alcohol and drug toll: Victoria’s plan 2013-2017. VAC has been funded to
provide counselling and care coordination for LGBTI people experiencing alcohol and other drug harms
in Melbourne’s Inner North and Inner South regions. These changes allow VAC to further expand on the
services offered to the local LGBTI community.
“The recent reforms introduced by the State government acknowledges the unique needs of our local
LGBTI community and allows for VAC to build on the success of its Altered States program,” said VAC CEO
Simon Ruth. “This decision means we can offer counselling and support services to an even broader and
more diverse audience than ever before.”
Altered States, a three year federally funded pilot project, is the first LGBTI-targeted alcohol and other drug
service offered in Victoria. The program offers counselling to members of the LGBTI community dealing
alcohol and drug use. The funding confirmed by the Victorian Government allows VAC to permanently
establish the counselling program and deliver the service from new sites in the inner north of Melbourne.
VAC Director of Service, Kent Burgess commented on the expansion of services. “With secure funding,
VAC can now start to properly address the range of drug issues faced by our communities including
methamphetamine and alcohol use. ”
For anyone seeking counselling support for their alcohol and other drug use please contact VAC
Counselling Services at (03) 9865 6700. VAC is offering the Drink Limits women’s alcohol support group, a
six week therapeutic group starting on July 7th. Individuals interested in participating should contact VAC
Counselling Services at (03) 9865 6700 to see if the group would be appropriate for their needs.


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