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2014 Northside Bizarre Fundraising Success for JOY 94.9 & DWF

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The 2014 Northside Bizarre at The Laird Hotel on Sunday 14 September saw another
impressive turnout from the local community to support and raise over $17,000 funds for JOY 94.9 and the
Victorian AIDS Council’s David Williams Fund (DWF).
The annual event sees The Laird Hotel open its doors to both men and women as a market place, auction
house and bbq with all funds raised being split between Melbourne’s independent LGBTIQ radio station
(JOY 94.9) and VAC’s emergency financial assistance service for people living with HIV (DWF).
“The Northside Bizarre, at the Laird, has become a great community tradition for Melbourne. We saw
people from all communities, including the leather community, JOY 94.9, local businesses, the bear
community, and VAC sponsored Chargers Rugby and Surge Waterpolo clubs. A huge crowd came out for
what’s become not only a significant annual fundraiser but a great social event,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth.
JOY 94.9 General Manager Conrad Browne went on to say, “Once again, JOY 94.9 was so pleased to be
a part of this annual event that brings together our diverse community to support two great Melbourne
institutions. As always we are extremely grateful to our generous hosts Brett, Mark and the lads from The
Laird as well as the wonderful volunteers from VAC & JOY who gave their time and dedication to ensure
this fantastic fundraiser was such a great success. We also sincerely thank all of those who donated auction
items and of course to everyone who attended and showed their support too.”
The Laird Co-owner, Brett Lasham added, “Mark [co-owner] and I couldn’t be happier with the turnout on
Sunday. It’s so rewarding to be able to host an event which brings such a friendly and diverse crowd. We
are so grateful to everyone who contributed, businesses and volunteers alike. We already have plans to
make Northside Bizarre even bigger in 2015!”
The Northside Bizarre plans to return in September 2015.


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