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Date: Saturday 8 July, 2023

Time: 6.00p.m. – 11.00p.m.

Address: Melbourne Town Hall, 90-130 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000


Join Thorne Harbour Health as we celebrate our 40th anniversary on Saturday 8 July at the historic Melbourne Town Hall.


From our legacy in leading the community response to HIV and AIDS to our ongoing work in advancing the health and wellbeing of our LGBTIQ+ communities, the Ruby Red Ball is a special event to honour our 40 year legacy.

The Ruby Red Ball will include a drinks reception, 3-course meal, entertainment, and silent auction. 

Community Ticket Ballot 

To ensure our Ruby Red Ball is accessible for our community to attend, we have allocated community tickets that will be free. To enter the ballot please fill in our form at https://thorneharbour.typeform.com/to/ty2Ac4Ps

Become a Ball Supporter 

Funds received from event supporters go directly toward funding community members to attend the event as well as support those living with HIV through our David Williams Fund and other vital health services for our LGBTIQ+ communities. 

Contribute to our Silent Auction

If you would like to donate an item for our silent auction we would love to hear from you. Please email 40thanniversary@thorneharbour.org for more details. 


Thorne Harbour Health is committed to ensuring the Ruby Red Gala is accessible to everyone and ensuring any individual needs are supported throughout the event. Upon registering, attendees will be asked if they have any accessibility needs such as travel, venue access, seating and interpreting services. 

Dietary requirement information will also be collected upon registration. 


Thorne Harbour relies upon your continued support
