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LGBTI Cultural Sensitivity & Awareness Training

Date: Monday 29 March, 2021
Time: 1.00p.m. – 3.00p.m.
Address: Online via Zoom
Delivered by the team at Thorne Harbour Health, LGBTI Cultural Sensitivity & Awareness Training will assist you to develop greater knowledge, skills and best practice in working with LGBTI+ Communities.
Register via Eventbrite
The 2-hour training is delivered online via Zoom and is facilitated by LGBTI+ identified trainers and will support you and your organisation to:
- Explore the status of LGBTI+ health and wellbeing
- Individually analyse your own assumptions and values and reflect on the implications in your delivery of health care to LGBTI+ communities
- Understand the importance and use of appropriate language
- Identify and understand the unique vulnerabilities and health barriers that LGBTI+ communities face
- Improve your confidence in comprehensively meeting the needs of LGBTI+ consumers
- Improve skills around intake and assessment
- Gain practical knowledge in providing a LGBTI+ affirmative environment
Registrations are now open via Eventbrite.
Registration cost: $80