Drink Limits

Drink Limits is a free eight-week women's support group looking at alcohol and anxiety for lesbian, bisexual and queer women (cis and trans) and anyone female-identifying.
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Drink Limits explores the barriers that get in the way of changing your drinking habits. It also offers a space to share techniques that might be useful in your goal to reduce or stop drinking and attain a level of resilience to deal with life’s problems in ways other than alcohol.
We aim provide a safe and non-judgemental space for a small group of 6–10 participants.
Drink Limits is a closed group which runs for eight weeks. We work from a harm minimization and stages of change framework. We are relational in our approach and use Motivational Interviewing, Arts Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and some Strengths-Based techniques. Participants will learn relapse prevention strategies and supports to enable their recovery process. The facilitators are experienced alcohol and other drug clinicians with expertise in this field.
If you wish to look at how alcohol affects your life and relationships this could be the group for you.
If you are interested in Drink Limits, please call us today on (03) 9865 6700.