GAP: Gay Asian Proud

Gay Asian Proud (GAP) is a social group for same sex-attracted Asian men based in Melbourne and wider Victoria.
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We welcome gay, bisexual, trans and queer men of all Asian heritage and ages to join us. Members come from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life. The group is run by volunteers and peers who share similar life experiences and come from relatable backgrounds.
Educational and social events such as: art workshops, health talks, group discussions, yum cha lunches, team sports, and film nights are organised once a month to create opportunities for healthy friendships, social connections, and learning. We provide a good mix of face-to-face and online activities to help members from remote communities to bond with the group.
Most activities are FREE or subsidised. A small number of activities may charge a nominal fee. We want to make GAP events highly accessible for members.
View our past events and see what we've got coming up on our GAP Eventbrite page.
Join the GAP mailing list now to stay up to date and be invited to the events.
If you have any questions or wish to provide feedback, please email

SUN Jan 19
Gay Asian Proud (GAP): Carnival Picnic
Location: Alexandra Gardens, St Kilda Road Melbourne, VIC 3004
Time: 11.00a.m.