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Aged Care Volunteer Visitor Scheme

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Rainbow Connection is a service for older LGBTIQ+ people in Melbourne and Adelaide who are experiencing social isolation. Whether you are in aged care or have a home package, we can help. This service will match you with a volunteer, who is also a part of the LGBTIQ+ community, for regular social visits and ongoing connection.

Volunteers can join participants in their home or facility for a chat over a cuppa, a walk around the neighbourhood or even a trip to the cinema. Volunteers visit to supplement the care that the older person already receives and they do not assist with any clinical or practical aspects of their care.


Rainbow Connection is a free service. The program is a part of the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVSS). It is open to older LGBTIQ+ people in Adelaide and southern Melbourne who live in subsidised residential aged care, have a home care package or are waitlisted for one. Thorne Harbour Health provides a specialty, LGBTIQ+ ACVVS service.

Isolated, older members of the LGBTIQ+ community who do not meet the ACVSS eligibility criteria can still apply for volunteer support.

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Please click apply now and fill out our referral form. We welcome referrals from family, friends and agencies. For more information call (03) 9863 0426 or email rainbowconnection@thorneharbour.org

This service is funded by the Australian Government.

Apply Now


Our mission is to foster a sense of community, combat social isolation, and ensure that every individual, regardless of age, feels heard, valued, and celebrated. Rainbow Connection links volunteers to older members of the LGBTIQ+ community for social support.

By volunteering, you will:

  • Visit older people in their home or facility, and take them on walks and visits to local cafes.
  • Forge genuine relationships with older LGBTIQ+ individuals and become a positive presence in their lives.
  • Build lasting friendships, share experiences, and be a beacon of support for those who may feel isolated.

Your time and energy contribute directly to enhancing the wellbeing and happiness of older LGBTIQ+ community members. Our volunteer coordinators are well versed in onboarding new recruits, and will take you through everything you need to know, including best practice language, and some fun activity plans.

Reach out today to get involved.

Register as a Volunteer


National Disability Insurance Scheme participants may apply to have daily living, community engagement and capacity-building services from the Thorne Harbour Home Care team. The team specialises in LGBTI-focused disability and mental health support.

For more information call (03) 9863 0430 or email ndis@thorneharbour.org


Thorne Harbour relies upon your continued support
