Disability Capacity Building Project Co-Design Team

08 Nov 2019
Are you an LGBTIQA+ person living with disability? Do you want to build, improve and share your skills and confidence in self-advocacy? Then we want you to apply!
Thorne Harbour, in partnership with Inclusion Designlab, have received an Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) grant from the Australian Federal Government to co-design a range of capacity building activities and resources for LGBTIQA+ people with disability.
We are seeking Expressions of Interest from LGBTIQA+ people with disability to be part of a co-design group which will guide this important project across the next 12 months.
Participants will take part in 6-7 training sessions, and help us co-develop and deliver:
● Peer-led forums
● Inclusive and accessible workshops and events
● Multi-media content including videos
● Resources to share learnings to broader LGBTIQA+ disability community
● Evaluation of the project
If you would like to be in the co-design group, please fill in the EOI application.
The EOI must be submitted by midnight, Tuesday 12th November.
All will be notified by Friday 15th November.
What: 6 to 7 sessions over the next 8-10 months, running for 2 and a half hours, with breaks. Sessions will take place outside of work hours.
When: The first session will take place on Thursday, 21st of November, at 6 pm.
Where: Meetings will be held at Thorne Harbour Health, level 5, 615 St Kilda Road, Melbourne.
Payment: You will be paid $120 per session. Please communicate any access costs on your application (eg. Auslan interpreters, transport).
Application questions:
Please submit your expression of interest addressing the following points to ruby.mountford@thorneharbour.org
- A statement of who you are, why you are interested in this project, and what you would like to get out of it.
- Please indicate if you have lived experience with any of the following (you can choose multiple options)
- Intellectual disability
- Acquired brain injury (ABI)
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Using a wheelchair
- Cerebral palsy
- Vision impairment
- Deaf/Hearing impairment
- Other neurodiversity
- Other
- Your understanding of self-advocacy, and your experience with it.
- Your interest or experience in training development and delivery.
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