2019 Hypothetical - Loose Talk in Public Places

25 Jan 2019
On Tuesday 22 January, we hosted our fifth annual Hypothetical as part of Midsumma Festival. Performed live at Federation Square, this year's Hypothetical "Loose Lips in Public Places" saw our first all-queer panel navigate a fictional story line as it explored a range of contemporary social issues impacting our LGBTI and PLHIV communities.
This year's Hypothetical was moderated by Australian comedian and performer Jordan Raskopoulos with a all-queer panel including:
- Zoe Coombs Marr (writer, performer, comedian)
- Lee Carnie (Director of Legal Advocacy, Equality Australia)
- Dean Arcuri (busy homosexual)
- Harriet Shing (MLC, Eastern Victoria)
- Joe Ball (Switchboard CEO)
- Kim Gates (Indigenous and LGBTI community advocate)
- Paul Kidd (HIV activist)
With stand-out performances by Andrew Powell as Janice Plackett and Patrick Durnan-Silva as Mark Barker, this year's Hypothetical explored U=U, sexual racism, conversion therapy, online dating, gender fluidity, and whole range of issues.
The event was broadcast and live streamed by C31 - Melbourne Community Television.
TUE January 22, 2019
2019 Hypothetical - Loose Talk in Public Places
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