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Victoria's LGBTI community calls on the Federal Government to support Safe Schools.

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LGBTI community organisations in Victoria have united to call on the Federal
Government to support the Safe Schools Coalition when a review of the program is
submitted to the Government on Friday.
Coming together in support of the Safe Schools Coalition, the Victorian Gay and
Lesbian Rights Lobby (VGLRL), the Rainbow Families Council and the Victorian AIDS
Council (VAC) said our schools should be a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual
transgender and intersex (LGBTI) students.
“Going into the last election, the Safe Schools program was supported by all sides of
politics. The mental health and wellbeing of LGBTI young people should not be a
political football,” said VGLRL Co-Convenor Sean Mulcahy.
“This review will only show what we already know — the Safe Schools program is of
enormous benefit to LGBTI kids, kids with LGBTI parents and their peers, and should
be rolled out across more schools.”
Representing Victoria’s LGBTI-parented families, the Rainbow Families Council said
that the Safe Schools program creates safer schools for LGBTI children, children with
LGBTI parents and their peers.
“All children and young people have the right to feel safe in their school environment,
and schools need to provide learning opportunities for everyone within their
community about what it means to be respectful, welcoming and inclusive,” said
Rainbow Families Council Co-Convenor Amelia Basset.
"Safe Schools is a unique program that contributes to a school’s ability to create a
culture of respect and dignity for all, and protect the health and wellbeing of
its community. There are benefits all around; for example, kids in LGBTI-parented
families feel more confident to talk about their home and family life where Safe
Schools programs are running."
“Losing the Safe Schools program would not only mean an end to this critical work, it
would send a devastating message to many children and young people and families
that there is not a safe place for them in our schools - and by extension in our
As a community health organisation VAC said the Safe Schools program is crucial to
addressing and improving the mental health of LGBTI young people.
“We know that same-sex attracted, sex and gender diverse young people are
significantly more likely to have poor mental health outcomes, and we that these
outcomes are linked to experiences of homophobic and transphobic bullying, often
within the school environment,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth.
“The work of Safe Schools to support these young people and to create safe, inclusive
environments saves lives. It’s up to all of us to stand up for the program, and for the
absolutely vital work they do.”


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