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VAC and Living Positive Victoria congratulate the Napthine Government on today’s announcement to amend section
19A of the Crimes Act 1958, Australia’s only HIV specific law that criminalises the intentional transmission of HIV. Both organisations
consider section 19A to be inconsistent with efforts to reduce HIV stigma and improve HIV testing among affected communities
in Victoria. Reforming section 19A is a key component of a joint election platform that both organisations released to the public
a week ago on Monday 14 July 2014.
Both VAC and Living Positive Victoria strongly recommend that the Victorian Government outline the details of the amendment
as well as outline a timeframe for its implementation ahead of an AIDS 2014 press conference at 2PM tomorrow on HIV and
VAC and Living Positive Victoria call upon on the Opposition and Government to work together with the community to ensure that
this important reform is achieved in the bipartisan manner that has characterised Australia’s response to HIV/AIDS.
Addressing laws that stigmatise people living with HIV should form part of Australia’s response to HIV and the legacy of AIDS 2014.
Press conference details: 2PM, Monday 21 July in Press Conference Room 1 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.


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