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VAC/GMHC Rejects Mozilla in Response to Appointment of Homophobic CEO

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The Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men’s Health Centre (VAC/GMHC) has elected to boycott Mozilla after it was revealed that their newly appointed CEO, Brendan Eich, supported a campaign opposing the implementation of laws redressing inequality amongst LGBTI communities in California. Mr Eich donated $1,000 to a Mormon backed ballot to ban gay couples from marrying in 2008.
VAC/GMHC’s strategic plan 2012 – 2017 highlights ‘addressing a broad range of health issues that affect wellbeing in sexually and gender diverse communities’ as one of the organisation’s visions.
CEO, Simon Ruth, said the VAC/GMHC was “committed to redressing inequality in the community and ensuring that people from sexually and gender communities are treated equally. Organisations like Mozilla have a commitment to respect and treat people equally, regardless of sexual or gender orientation. Mozilla appointing a CEO who openly opposes measures to address equality is in opposition to our organisation’s mission and values. Consequently, VAC/GMHC has dis-endorsed the use of Mozilla across all our computer systems.”
VAC/GMHC President, Greg Carter, commented that “removing inequalities in the community is essential to addressing the negative impacts associated with systemic homophobia. Homophobia leads to social isolation and consequently negative health outcomes like depression, anxiety and alcohol and other drug use. People who support homophobia should not be elevated to positions of authority within the community, whether this is private or public sector”.


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