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VAC welcomes Victorian Government’s expansion of access to PrEP with new study

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The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) welcomes the Victorian Government’s announcement of PrEPX, a new and expanded
trial making PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV) available for 2600 Victorians who need this vital HIV-prevention
VAC CEO Simon Ruth congratulated the Andrew’s Government on partnering with VAC, Alfred Health, and the Burnet
Institute to fund this expansion study, which will allow thousands of Victorians at risk of HIV to protect themselves
and their communities.
“VAC applauds the Andrew’s Government for taking such a significant step towards reducing HIV transmissions in
Victoria by introducing the PrEPX study. PrEP is a game-changer when it comes to HIV prevention, and it’s going to play
a big role in helping us reach the ambitious target of eliminating HIV transmissions by 2020,” Ruth said.
“We want to acknowledge the work of Alfred Health and our community partners on the Victorian PrEP Accord. We’ve
seen some amazing work from grass-roots community activists to not only educate our community about PrEP, but
to set up their own access schemes. This community advocacy has played a vital role in demonstrating that ours is an
engaged and informed community of people who want to take responsibility for their sexual health.”
Victorian PrEP Accord partner and online community group, PrEP’D For Change, welcomed the announcement.
“PrEP’D For Change was thrilled to see the expansion of places for the EPIC NSW PrEP study. Now, only two months
later we’re seeing a government-funded commitment that will see thousands helping to end HIV transmissions in
Victoria too,” said PrEP’D For Change co-founder Daniel MacPhail.
“PrEP’D For Change is committed to educating those wanting to learn about PrEP whether they are part of a study
or accessing it privately. The substantial expansion of the study in combination with our strong community-based
movement has absolutely put Victoria in a leading position to reach Australia’s 2020 transmission elimination targets.”
PrEPaccessNow chairperson Phillip Joffe added, “PrEPaccessNOW met with senior Government advisors early in
January to discuss the urgent need for the expanded trial in Victoria. We were given assurances that there was no
opposition to the trial and that it was just a matter of funding holding back an announcement regarding approval.
We are very pleased to hear that an extra 2600 Victorians will have access to PrEP in the coming months and hope
that pressure will now be brought on the TGA to approve PrEP, and for a PBS listing to follow as soon as possible. We
continue to provide access to low-cost PrEP via the links to our website to Australians country-wide who believe that
PrEP is the right choice for them.”
PrEP is a highly effective HIV-prevention method, where HIV-negative people take HIV medication to significantly
reduce their risk of contracting HIV. PrEP is not currently approved by the TGA in Australia, but it can be prescribed
‘off-label’ for the purposes of HIV prevention. An application has been made to the TGA for PrEP to be approved in
Australia and then listed on the PBS, but a decision is not expected before 2017.


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