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VAC marks IDAHOBIT with a focus on trans and gender diverse communities, LGBTI people in rural and regional Victoria

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The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) is marking International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and
Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) on 17 May with the launch of Equinox, the new name and brand for VAC’s trans and gender
diverse health service, and celebrations at the VACountry service in Bendigo.
Equinox encompasses the trans and gender diverse GP service VAC launched in February, offering a wide range
of services to the trans and gender diverse community from the Fitzroy-based PRONTO! clinic. Led by Dr Pauline
Cundill, Equinox’s GP service offers general medical care, mental health checks and referrals, a PrEP clinic, support
for trans people living with HIV, sex work checkups and more.
Following the launch there are plans for Equinox to continue to expand, with Hepatitis C treatment available soon,
and mental health and alcohol and other drugs services to be introduced in the future.
Developing Equinox has been the first activity of VAC’s Trans and Gender Diverse Advisory Group, which worked with
a trans, Melbourne-based designer to create the logo and brand.
VAC’s Bendigo-based service for the Loddon Mallee region VACountry is also celebrating IDAHOBIT, partnering with
the City of Greater Bendigo, Goldfields Libraries, Bendigo Community Health Services and Headspace Bendigo for
events throughout the day.
“IDAHOBIT is a great opportunity for us to reflect on the ways LGBTI organisations can support some of the most
vulnerable people in our communities, and to do something about it,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth.
“Between the launch of Equinox and the work of our VACountry service in the Loddon Mallee region, VAC is working
with trans and gender diverse communities and people living in regional and rural Victoria to make sure no one is
left behind.”
VAC’s Project Lead for Trans Health Jeremy Wiggins said a peer-led approach to delivering services for the trans and
gender diverse community is at the heart of Equinox.
“We are very excited to be launching a new gender diverse health service that is run for the community, by the
community,” Wiggins said.
“Equinox is the only service of its kind in Australia as it is a peer led model where community members can receive
respectful, confidential and knowledgeable healthcare from professionals who understand their experience. We
have worked closely with the community in establishing Equinox. We will continue to be responsive to their needs
and look forward to growing our service with them.”
Since 2004, IDAHOBIT has been observed around the world to raise awareness of homophobia, biphobia
and transphobia worldwide, and to provide opportunities to address violence and discrimination against our
Event details:
Equinox Launch
Tuesday, 17 May, 6–8pm
PRONTO! Clinic, 175 Rose St, Fitzroy
VACountry IDAHOBIT Events
Tuesday, 17 May, 12–2pm
Bendigo Library, 259 Hargreaves St, Fitzroy


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