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VAC launches PrEP Clinic, full STI testing at PRONTO!

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On the back of the announcement of Victoria’s new and expanded PrEPX trial, the Victorian
AIDS Council (VAC) is launching two new services at the PRONTO! rapid HIV testing clinic: a PrEP Clinic and a full STI
screening service, making PRONTO! a one-stop shop for sexual health check-ups.
Clients can now book appointments online for the PrEP Clinic, where an experienced and non-judgemental GP can
take them through the basics of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (PrEP). The GP can even get the ball rolling on
accessing PrEP, with important baseline tests, prescriptions, and current information on how to safely and legally
import generic PrEP drugs from overseas.
“Expressions of interest are already flooding in for the PrEPX trial, but until it begins the easiest way to access PrEP will
continue to be through overseas imports using a prescription from a GP,” said Simon Ruth, CEO of VAC.
“It’s exciting to see so many Victorians keen to take responsibility for their sexual health, and the new PrEP Clinic at
PRONTO! will make sure our community has another way to access this game-changing HIV prevention method sooner
rather than later.”
PrEP is a highly effective HIV-prevention method, where HIV-negative people take HIV medication to significantly
reduce their risk of contracting HIV.
Alongside the PrEP Clinic, PRONTO! is introducing full STI testing for the first time, with tests for chlamydia, gonorrhoea
and syphilis now offered as part of a standard appointment for rapid HIV testing. Appointments will also include the
option for a parallel HIV blood test, which has a shorter window period than the rapid test.
Clients who test positive for STIs can be referred to a new, in-house GP for treatment, or details can be forwarded to
your regular GP if preferred.
Associate Professor Mark Stoové from PRONTO! partner the Burnet Institute said the expansion of services was
responding to a clear need expressed by the community.
“This is a fantastic and much needed innovation for PRONTO! Our evaluation of the service during the trial period
indicated a unambiguous need to integrate STI testing with rapid HIV testing,” Stoové said.
“With the addition of a PrEP Clinic, PRONTO! now represents a world-leading model for community-based and
accessible sexual health care for gay men.”
PRONTO! manager Peter Locke said that despite these new additions to the service, it will continue to feel like the safe,
community-led space clients have come to trust over the past two and a half years.
“Existing clients who have come to trust PRONTO!’s world-class, peer-led model can rest assured that the peers are
still running the same service, we’re just offering a few additional options for STI testing,” said Locke.
To book appointments for the PrEP Clinic, a rapid HIV-test or full STI testing, visit pronto.org.au.


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