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VAC and Bendigo Community Health Service to deliver BBV/STI prevention to the Loddon Mallee region

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The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) and Bendigo Community Health Services will partner
in 2016 to deliver programs and services related to the prevention of blood-borne viruses and sexually
transmitted infections (BBV/STI) in the Loddon Mallee Region.
The aim of the service is to ensure people at risk of BBV/STI can access the information and services they
need to look after their health in a safe and inclusive way.
Both receiving funding from the Department of Health and Human Services for the new initiative, the two
organisations represent decades of experience and expertise in both the local community and in working
with communities living with and affected by BBV/STI.
VAC and Bendigo Community Health Services will work with the Country Awareness Network (CAN) to
integrate a number of the organisation’s unique services into this new initiative.
As part of this funding VAC has employed a staff member based in the area to oversee the organisation’s
activities and develop a presence in the region.
“We look forward to working with Bendigo Community Health Services and CAN on delivering important
HIV-prevention programs and services to the Loddon Mallee region, and we hope to build on their expertise
to engage the local community,” said Simon Ruth, CEO of VAC.
“The funding is an opportunity for VAC to extend our wide range of programs and support services to
the Loddon Mallee region, establishing a greater presence at local venues and events, delivering peer
education and support for people living with HIV, and LGBTI communities, distributing targeted information
on BBV/STI-prevention and working to reduce stigma.”
“We congratulate CAN on 20 years of work supporting LGBT people and people living with HIV in rural
communities. It is vital that LGBTI people living in regional and rural Victoria have access to health services
catering specifically to their needs.”
BCHS will build on its existing expertise regarding blood borne viruses and sexually transmitted infections
to ensure a strong suite of services are available to those needing these services such as young people,
Aboriginal communities, and people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
“BCHS, in collaboration with VAC, aims to reduce the incidence of blood borne virus and sexually
transmissible infections as well as ensuring that the highest level of assistance and clinical service is
available to diagnose, treat and support those affected,” BCHS CEO Kim Sykes said.
“Each organisation brings expertise critical to ensuring a successful and comprehensive approach to those
who have acquired a BBV or STI and to those who are at risk. This collaboration allows us to achieve better
outcomes for communities in the Loddon Mallee by complementing each other’s work.”


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