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‘Short and Girly’ – get in early!

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The Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men’s Health Centre (VAC/GMHC), with supporters Bendigo Bank, National Theatre, Southern Star and JOY 94.9, presents the fourth fabulous ‘Short and Girly’ comedy show on Saturday 12 February 2011. The event will be held at the spectacularly grand National Theatre in St Kilda, which has a seating capacity of over 750.
The event promises to be one of the highlights of the comedy circuit for 2011, and will feature a line-up of high profile female comedians, including host Julia Zemiro, and regular performers Denise Scott and Rachel Berger, in addition to a number of other special guests.
Funds raised will help VAC/GMHC assist people living with HIV in Victoria. Services provided by the organisation include study assistance, emergency financial assistance, nutritional support, and specialist counselling.
Tickets would make a fantastic Christmas present, and are on sale through Ticketek from Friday 10 December, priced at a very reasonable $55, with a number of discounts available. To find out more on Short and Girly visit www.vicaids.asn.au/shortandgirly or call (03) 9865 6744.


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