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Ray Carr Awarded ‘Outstanding Individual Achievement’

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Ray Carr, a volunteer driver in VAC/GMHC’s Community Support Program, was awarded the ‘Outstanding Individual Achievement Award’ as part of the 2014 Minister for Health Volunteer Awards held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. This annual awards ceremony is held to honour volunteers who demonstrate exceptional contributions to the community and health services. With nearly 100 nominations from across the state, Ray was honoured to be one of those to receive the award from the Minister for Health, the Hon. David Davis MP.
At VAC/GMHC, Ray supports clients living with HIV/AIDS by transporting them to important medical appointments and social gatherings, which would otherwise be, in most cases, too difficult to attend.
Ray has suffered several of his own setbacks in his life, which makes his volunteering efforts all the more remarkable. Ray has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and, in early 2000, suffered several successive heart attacks and strokes, which paralysed the entire left side of his body. Ray, never one to be kept down, made it his mission to ensure he recovered fully so he could continue doing what he loves – volunteering.


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