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Rachel Berger - World AIDS Day Ambassador 2011

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The Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men’s Health Centre (VAC/GMHC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Rachel Berger as World AIDS Day Ambassador for 2011.
Having been involved with the VAC/GMHC for the past twenty years and a Life Member of the organisation, Rachel Berger is the perfect choice for this role.
One of Australia’s most highly regarded, and adaptive comedic talents, Rachel Berger works variously as a comedian, actor, broadcaster, novelist, columnist, agitator and television entertainer. Political, passionate and armed only with her material, Rachel has been prowling the stand-up circuit like a tigress for 25 years. Her dynamic presence and engagingly sharp observations have made her an extremely popular performer both live and on television, across Australia and internationally.
Rachel has been involved with VAC/GMHC since the early nineties, using her comic lens to prevent alienation and discrimination against HIV affected individuals and to raise funds and awareness through comedy events like Short and Girly and a variety of other special projects.
Thursday 1 December 2011 marks the 23rd annual ‘World AIDS Day’. This global event was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in an effort to raise public awareness about HIV issues, including the need for support and understanding for people living with HIV.
Currently, more than 160 countries participate in World AIDS Day, uniting to provide a global response to HIV, an issue impacting upon the lives of millions of men, women and children, across all demographics, races and religions throughout the world.
As VAC/GMHC’s World AIDS Day Ambassador, Rachel Berger will be actively involved in promoting and supporting a range of events on and around Thursday 1 December - World AIDS Day. Rachel will appear at Federation Square on World AIDS Day as part of the special live concert and JOY 94.9 FM Outside Broadcast live from the Main Stage. Rachel will also be the Special Guest Speaker at the World AIDS Day Memorial Ceremony 6:00pm on Thursday 1 December at the Positive Living Centre (PLC), 51 Commercial Road, South Yarra.
It is vital to remember that HIV is not only relevant to developing countries. It is relevant to every Australian, as an important issue affecting our society. Currently there are around 17,500 people living with HIV in Australia, with approximately 5722 of those in Victoria. Every three days, two Victorians are diagnosed with the virus, meaning there are more people living with HIV here than ever before.
Inform yourself, educate others and show your support this coming World AIDS Day – Thursday 1 December 2011. More info on World AIDS Day 2011 go to www.vicaids.asn.au


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