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Military fashion show promises to combat Melbourne

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Talented local fashion designer behind ARON, Aron Katona and jewellery designer Victoria St. John are set to combat Melbourne’s fastionista’s to assist in the fight against HIV, through the new ARON range of military inspired clothing and Victoria’s “key to fashion” jewellery collection.
Aron, 26 from St. Kilda, will be showing his latest collection at the ‘Fashion Lounge’ in Flinders Lane on Saturday 16th April, with $5 from each ticket sold being donated to the Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men’s Health Centre (VAC/GMHC). There will also be a raffle on the night, with a number of pieces from the collection up for grabs including garments produced by ARON and stunning jewellery pieces by Victoria St. John with proceeds going to VAC/GMHC.
Aron and Victoria said: “We are so excited about our collections and the show, as much of our inspiration has arisen from the desire to combat AIDS, which still claims so many lives globally”.
The fashion show promises to be fantastic, with gorgeous models and some creative visual surprises to ensure a “wow” factor.”
Sian Syddall, Fundraising & Communications Coordinator for VAC/GMHC said: “We are extremely grateful for Aron and Victoria’s generous support of our work. VAC/GMHC is leading our community in the ongoing fight against HIV in Victoria. We provide practical and emotional support for Victorians affected by HIV and undertake important preventative work to reduce the transmission of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) in our community.
Funds raised through community events greatly assist us in our work, enabling us to fund projects and services that we couldn’t otherwise afford.”
Tickets to the show are priced at $25.00 and will be available for purchase at the venue on the night of April 16th at Fashion Lounge 121 Flinders Lane, Melbourne CBD.
For more information about HIV and the work of VAC/GMHC visit www.vicaids.asn.au or call (03) 9865 6700.


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