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Mike Kennedy to step down as VAC/GMHC Executive Director in mid-2011

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Michael Williams, the President of the Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men’s Health Centre, announced today that VAC/GMHC Executive Director Mike Kennedy had informed the Board that he would not be seeking an extension of his contract when it expires in July 2011.
Mr. Williams said: “In all of its 27 years, VAC/GMHC has never been in a stronger position. This owes to the exceptional work undertaken by Mike Kennedy in his role as Executive Director over a long period of time. Mike has been a highly competent administrator who began his position at VAC/GMHC during one of its most fraught periods. In his 11 years, Mike has placed the organisation on a firm financial footing; won the respect and loyalty of his staff; created excellent relations with the community and stakeholders; and proved himself to be a state and national leader in HIV-related advocacy and policy.” “In recent years, Mike has guided VAC/GMHC through a difficult time in the history of the HIV epidemic. He secured greater funding to undertake our health promotion work at a time when HIV infections were rising and ensured that the issue of HIV and ageing is given the prominence it deserves in policy discussions and the future priorities of the organisation.” “It is a testament to Mike that he is one of the longest serving Executive Directors in the history of all of the Australian AIDS Councils. He leaves VAC/GMHC on a confident and capable footing to face new challenges. I speak for the entire Board in saying that we, and the organisation, will miss his wisdom and leadership immensely and wish him well in his next role”, Mr Williams said.
Mr. Kennedy said: “Over the past 11 years that I have been in this position, VAC/GMHC has been involved in a constant process of review and renewal to ensure that we kept pace with the changes in the epidemic and it is now time for that renewal to encompass my position.”
“I have enjoyed enormously the challenges the job has presented and have been fortunate to have had remarkable support from Board members, staff, volunteers and a broad range of partner organisations over that time in forming a cohesive team to meet those challenges. I am very proud of VAC/GMHC and of what we have achieved”, he said.

The VAC/GMHC Board is putting in place a recruitment strategy and will be initiating
the search phase from March 2011. “We aim to have the new Executive Director in
place just prior to Mike departing so a smooth transition can take place”, Mr Williams


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