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Lesbian, Bisexual, & Queer Women’s Health Conference 2015

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VAC is partnering with the Rainbow Network to host a conference aimed at improving
the health and wellbeing of lesbian, bisexual, and queer women. The forum will host a range of speakers,
including Georgie Harman (beyondblue CEO), Simon Ruth (VAC CEO), and Liam Leonard (Director of GLHV).
The event is proudly supported by beyondblue and the Commonwealth Department of Health.
Dr Ruth McNair will present a keynote address on her work with the beyondblue funded ALICE study
- a research project exploring alcohol and other drug use by lesbian, bisexual, and queer women. The
study found that over 50% of study participants had experienced mental health concerns, and just over
40% were drinking at unsafe levels. The study also found that lesbian, bisexual, and queer women were
under represented in accessing support due to a range of reasons including fear or previous experience of
discrimination in a service.
Beyondblue CEO Georgie Harman said lesbian, bisexual, and queer women are at a much higher risk of
mental health problems than other women. “LGBTI Australians are far more likely to be psychologically
distressed than non-LGBTI Australians, largely due to the discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia
they face, which can be devastating.”
“Bisexual women and lesbians however are even more likely to be psychologically distressed than bisexual
and gay men, which reflects the higher prevalence of depression and anxiety among women generally,”
she said. “No-one should be made to feel like crap just for being who they are. That’s why it’s so important
that people get the support they need and why beyondblue is proud to support this event.”
VAC CEO Simon Ruth added, “Continuing to target the specific service needs within LGBTI communities is
paramount. Our hope is that this conference allows us to give the needs of women in these communities
the attention and careful consideration necessary to offer the best possible response through our services.”
A panel of speakers including Tarn Thompson (QLife), Nadia Gavin (Harm Reduction Victoria), Wendy
Brokenshire (VAC), and Ren Greyson (YSAS) will apply best practice considerations to a hypothetical case
scenario. In addition to the panel, an afternoon series of workshops will be held.
The event will be MC’d by comedian Kelly Parry.
The event will be held on Friday 27 March at the Jasper Hotel, 489 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne and is free
to attend. RSVP is essential.
For more information or to register please visit: www.vac.org.au/WomensConference


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