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Human rights should not be put to a public vote: VAC opposes a plebiscite on marriage equality

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The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) has today released a position statement opposing
any move by the federal parliament to hold a plebiscite on marriage equality.
VAC believes such a plebiscite would not be the appropriate forum to discuss an issue of human rights,
and would be costly, divisive and potentially harmful to GLBTI Australians. A plebiscite would also be nonbinding,
and even if successful would not extend the right to marry to same-sex couples.
The Australian Electoral Commission this week estimated the cost of a plebiscite on marriage equality at
$158 million, or $44 million if held concurrently with the next federal election.
“A plebiscite would be an expensive and completely unnecessary exercise — this is money that could be
much better spent on services urgently needed by LGBTI Australians,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth.
“$158 million could mean 160,000 12-month courses of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV, 79,000
rehab beds for ice users, or counselling for 225,000 GLBTI people affected by family violence or experiencing
mental health difficulties.
“Beyondblue has recently acknowledged the negative impact of our current marriage laws on GLBTI
people’s mental health — why waste more money that could go to supporting GLBTI people at risk?”
VAC is concerned a plebiscite could descend into election-like campaigning, serving as a public platform for
divisive attitudes towards Australia’s GLBTI communities.
Ruth warned such a debate could become hostile and vitriolic, and could lead to increased aggression
towards GLBTI communities.
“The last thing we want is for a public debate about the rights of same-sex couples in Australia to see
outdated stereotypes about GLBTI Australians used to drum up fear of the proposed change,” he said.
“Marriage equality should improve the health and wellbeing of GLBTI Australians — not only will this
plebiscite fail to allow same-sex couples to marry, it has the potential to make the lives of people in
marginalised communities worse.”
“This is a matter that should be resolved in our federal parliament. The human rights of GLBTI Australians
should not be put to a public vote.”
VAC’s position statement on a plebiscite on marriage equality is attached.


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