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On Wednesday 12 November 2014, VAC along with Living Positive Victoria will be hosting a community forum
event in the lead up to the Victorian State Election on 29 November 2014. Largely focused on the issues and suggested actions
outlined in the organisations’ joint election document HIV/AIDS: What Your Government Can Do, the community forum will offer
the community an opportunity to hear directly from:
• Minister for Health, the Hon David Davis
• Shadow Minister for Health, Mr Gavin Jennings
• Greens Party Member, Ms Colleen Hartland
• Australian Sex Party Candidate, Mr Joel Murray
Moderated by former VAC Executive Director Mike Kennedy, each of the speakers will be given 10 minutes to speak individually
before opening the floor to a question and answer session.
“Events like these are incredibly important for the community. We’re at a turning point in the epidemic where we can see an end
to HIV. It’s important for the community to hear directly from each of the parties - How they address the issues? How will that
differ from the other parties? Understanding these differences will mean a more informed decision on November 29th,” said VAC
CEO Simon Ruth.
Living Positive Victoria Executive Director Brent Allan added, “In recent months, there’s been a lot of discussion regarding the
repeal of Section 19A, improving access to treatment and working to end HIV stigma. Now we need to hear in further detail what
we can expect from each party if they are to become the next Victorian Government.”
The event will be held at VAC’s Positive Living Centre, 51 Commercial Road, South Yarra with doors opening at 6:15PM for a 6:30PM
start. While this event is free to attend, space is limited. RSVP by emailing enquiries@vac.org.au or calling 03 9865 6700.


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