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Community organisations, researchers and activists in Victoria sign historic accord on PrEP

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Community organisations, grass-roots activists and medical researchers have come together in
Melbourne to sign a historic accord on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, or PrEP.
The accord grew out of a community PrEP summit hosted last month by the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC), which
included all of the groups who have signed the accord: VAC, PrEPaccessNOW, PrEP’d for Change, Time4PrEP, Living
Positive Victoria and researchers from the VicPrEP clinical trial.
The accord outlines a set of shared principles around the adoption of PrEP as an important HIV-prevention tool,
• The need for information on PrEP to have a sound scientific basis informed by medical and social research
• Educating the community around issues such as access and adherence
• The need to challenge misconceptions and stigma associated with PrEP, and to frame sexual health in a way that is
sex positive, inclusive and without prejudice
• Supporting efforts to have PrEP approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and listed on the
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
PrEP is a highly effective HIV-prevention method, where HIV-negative people take HIV medication to significantly reduce
their risk of contracting HIV. PrEP is not currently approved by the TGA in Australia, but it can be prescribed ‘off-label’
for the purposes of HIV prevention.
Simon Ruth, CEO of VAC, said: “The accord is an opportunity to ensure that VAC and others who are working to make
PrEP available are all on the same page. Even if we’re taking different paths, we’ll support each others’ work—we don’t
want to inadvertently impede the progress we’re making,”
“We all have the same goal: making PrEP available for those who need it.”
Daniel MacPhail from Facebook group PrEP’d for Change said: “PrEP’d For Change recognises that helping the community
to form educated opinions of PrEP is crucial in the implementation of such a groundbreaking HIV prevention strategy.”
“We’re truly excited to stand united with these passionate organisations who all have their own important mission and
work to do, and who are all moving towards the same common goal - the elimination of HIV transmission and stigma
in Australia.”
Phillip Joffe from PrEP access scheme PrEPaccessNOW said: “PrEPaccessNOW came about to ensure that Australians
and in particular Victorians who wanted PrEP would be able to access it easily and at the lowest possible cost until such
time as the TGA and PBS approved and listed it as a subsidized option. We recognise that PrEP is the most exciting new
development that will contribute to achieving the goal of no new HIV infections by 2020.”
“In aligning with other groups who are as passionate about achieving the same goals as we are, we believe we will be a
formidable force in working towards the elimination of stigma and an end to new HIV infections.”
Warwick Emanuel from Facebook group Time4PrEP said: “Time4PrEP sees treatment as prevention and PrEP creating
equality in relationships, redefining safer sex, and building partnerships across the sero-divide.”
“We are all working to end HIV stigma and end HIV. We are stronger together! Time4PrEP welcomes and joins the
Victorian PrEP Accord.”
Dr Dean Murphy, Investigator on the VicPrEP Study, said: “The Accord recognises the role of community representatives
and advocates in ensuring increased access to PrEP and educating gay men about its benefits.”
The accord was signed at the second birthday celebrations of VAC’s PRONTO! clinic, a peer-facilitated, rapid HIV-testing
service. The service has had particular success reaching men at higher risk of HIV and men who have never been tested
for HIV, with over 4600 HIV tests conducted since PRONTO! launched in 2013.


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