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Coalition of Organisations Raise Concerns Regarding Section 19A Amendment

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A coalition of civil society organisations has today cautiously welcomed the Victorian government’s commitment to
amend section 19A of the Crimes Act 1958, while calling on the government to clarify, extend its commitment to repealing the provision
once and for all.
“We are concerned by the language used in yesterday’s announcement promising to amend section 19A to make it non-discriminatory
for people with HIV,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth. “This suggests the possibility that section 19A could be converted into a general
provision covering other infectious diseases. We believe that would be a step in the wrong direction.”
“While intentional transmission of an infectious disease is potentially a criminal act, there is no justification in law or science for
enacting special criminal provisions to cover it – the existing criminal law is sufficient,” said Paul Kidd, Chair of HIV Legal Working
Group, Victoria. “Section 19A carries a higher penalty than most offences and we are deeply concerned that the proposed amendment
could risk repeating the mistakes made in 1993 when section 19A was enacted, but extending that to people with hepatitis or
other infectious conditions.”
“Repealing section 19A would have a positive impact on the stigmatisation of people living with HIV, with no negative impact on public
safety,” said Living Positive Victoria President Ian Muchamore. “Its repeal would remove an embarrassing anachronism from the
law of this State and put us on the path to eliminating HIV infections by 2020.”
The campaign for repeal of section 19A was launched by Living Positive Victoria and the Victorian AIDS Council, and has the support
of the following organisations:
• Criminal Bar Association - Victoria
• Australasian Society for HIV Medicine
• Kirby Institute - UNSW
• AIDS 2014 Organising Committee
• Pacific Friends of the Global Fund
• Human Rights Law Centre
• Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby
• Hepatitis Victoria
• Liberty Victoria
• Transgender Victoria
• Bisexual Alliance Victoria
• Straight Arrows Inc.
• National Association of People Living with HIV Australia
• Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
• HIV Justice Network
Press Conference details: 2PM, Monday 21 July in Press Conference Room 1 at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre.


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