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29 Jan 2018

VAC mourns the loss of passionate harm reduction giant Jenny Kelsall

Longstanding advocate for harm reduction approaches to drug use, Jenny Kelsall, passed on Saturday marking the loss of dedicated community leader with an extensive career that contributed to the development of programs and services that support the community response to HIV and other blood borne viruses.

Most recently, Jenny served as the Executive Officer for Harm Reduction Victoria where she encouraged safer drug use and empowered drug users to find solutions and strategies for the better part of the past decade. Prior to that, she served for several years as part of a multi-discipline research team at the Burnet Institute, a team who was the first to identify a hepatitis C epidemic among people who inject drugs in Australia.

Having worked closely with Jenny over the years, VAC President Chad Hughes was saddened by the news and acknowledged her incredible contribution.

“Jenny was completely dedicated to the people she served. She committed herself tirelessly to ensuring evidence based harm reduction was available to people who use drugs both here in Victoria, and elsewhere. She was incredibly bright and steadfast in her advocacy fighting for the health and welfare rights of the community,” he said.

“She demonstrated how, by opening her heart and making personal sacrifices, she could make a tremendous contribution that benefited the lives of many. I’m a better person for knowing her — as are countless others.”

Her legacy includes an incredible portfolio of peer-based research and education initiatives across Australia and Asia in the areas of HIV, viral hepatitis & injecting drug use spanning over nearly three decades.

VAC CEO Simon Ruth said, “Jenny’s legacy serves as a reminder of the strength of a community-led response in the face of Herculean challenges such as HIV and viral hepatitis. Her collaborative approach ceaselessly worked toward bringing drug law and national policies in line with public health objectives.”

12 Jan 2018

Melbourne Gay Community Periodic Survey back for 2018 at Midsumma Carnival

The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) along with the Centre for Social Research in Health (CSRH) and the Kirby Institute at UNSW will be conducting the Melbourne Gay Community Periodic Survey (MGCPS) during the first week of the Midsumma Festival, this annual survey takes a snapshot of sexual practices men who have sex with other men in relation to the transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

From Sunday 14 January at the 2018 Midsumma Carnival Day through Sunday 21 January, gay and bisexual men who have sex with men (MSM) will be asked to participate in the survey at a range of locations across Melbourne, including medical clinics, social venues such as pubs and bars, and sex-on-premises venues. Only Melbourne men who have had sex with another man in the past five years should complete a survey form, as well as men who don’t live in Melbourne but who regularly participate in the Melbourne gay community. The survey is completely anonymous, and the results are communicated later in the year via LGBTI and other media, through public meetings and seminars, in online reports, and through journal articles.

First conducted in Melbourne in 1998, the short survey takes a snapshot of gay men’s sexual practices related to the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. The survey is important because it gives a snapshot of the lives of gay and homosexually active men in Melbourne from year to year. It allows comparisons to be made over time and for a picture to emerge of the changes in sexual practices and partnering habits, drug use, HIV and STI rates, and testing habits.

The Periodic Survey is also conducted in other states during gay community festivals so that comparisons can be drawn between states. Data from the surveys are used to form local and national sexual health promotion campaigns and education strategies.

“All same-sex attracted guys are welcome to complete this annual survey — gay, bi, trans and non-binary both HIV negative and HIV Positive,” said the survey’s Victorian coordinator, VAC’s Tex McKenzie.

“New questions added this year include adding the gender assigned at birth and a question asking if participants have been vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B. And not all questions need to be answered by everyone; there are specific questions for men who are living with HIV as well as general questions that everyone can answer.”

VAC CEO Simon Ruth added: “The Periodic Survey is an important piece of research that helps us target not only campaigns around HIV and STI-prevention, but around mental health issues and alcohol and drug use in our community as well.”

“The data we gather from the survey over time is an invaluable resource for both state-based and national campaigns.”


16 Oct 2017

HIV and AIDS sector mourns the loss of activist and visionary leader Levinia Crooks

Tireless HIV/AIDS activist, researcher, mentor and visionary, Levinia Crooks died in Sydney on Sunday evening after a long battle with illness.

Levinia’s work in HIV/AIDS has spanned the epidemic in this country. Levinia was the first Executive Officer for the National Association of People Living with AIDS (NAPWA, later to become NAPWHA) and she was the President of the AIDS Council of New South Wales (ACON) from 1988 – 1989 and 1991 – 1992. Levinia was also instrumental in the work of the Bobby Goldsmith Foundation (BGF), one of Australia’s longest running HIV and AIDS charities. Typical of her no nonsense, practical approach to issues, she has spoken on the need for such a charity in the early days of the epidemic, “In an environment like that you have to act. It is wrong that you have to act, it is wrong that you have to establish a parallel process. But there is a period of time in which you do have to do that.” BGF continues its important work to this day.

For the last 18 years Levinia held the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). During her tenure Levinia elevated the profile and breadth of ASHM through her professionalism, research insight and overall vision of the role the organisation would play both nationally and in the region.

“It is probably difficult to think of another person who has had the kind of influence that Levinia has had over the course of the last three decades of the epidemic,” said Chad Hughes, VAC President.

“Her career began at a time when there was little hope for people living with HIV and she was instrumental, not only in the areas of care and support for people living with HIV and AIDS but at important moments in prevention such as her role in the drafting of national guidelines for the provision of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).”

“Levinia’s commitment to the work of HIV and AIDS activism ranged from her roles in community based organisations, direct contact and care for people living with HIV and AIDS to high level collaboration with researchers, politicians and policy makers to advance HIV medicine in this country and the care and support of people living with the virus,” said Simon Ruth, VAC CEO.

“The range of Levinia’s research interests is formidable. She contributed to work on counselling, service capacity, combination therapy, health promotion and HIV and the law,” added Chad Hughes.

“At every level, her contribution furthered debate in substantive and important ways. Her leadership legacy is one of partnership, collaboration, vision and courage and in many ways she will be impossible to replace.”

04 Sep 2017

VAC encourages the LGBTI community to look after their wellbeing with ‘Equality Mixtape’


4 SEPTEMBER 2017 - In the face of the public debate around marriage equality, the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) is calling out for suggestions to add to the ‘Equality Mixtape’ on social media. The fun and collaborative initiative is being used to encourage the community members to take a moment out of their day to enjoy a ‘pride’ anthem.

Following some of the negative messaging aimed at LGBTI communities during the ongoing debate around marriage equality and the impending postal survey, the ‘Equality Mixtape’ initiative aims to bring the LGBTI community together to share their favourite music as well as fond memories linked with some of the pride anthems. Everyday until the end of the postal survey, VAC will be posting another track on social media and invite the community to take five minutes out of their day to let go and enjoy the music.

“With the Marriage Equality debate bringing out a lot of negative sentiments it has been an emotionally taxing time for a lot people. We wanted to send out some positive energy, and long before we were depicted in movies and television, the LGBTI community has found our own stories in music. ” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth.

“Music has been an outlet for our community to find escape, build resilience, and celebrate with pride in the face of hard times. We’re hoping to continue that tradition, and share some feel good stories along the way.”

Started as a small social initiative amongst staff, VAC is now encouraging members, volunteers, and the broader community to submit songs and stories via VAC’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. A selection of the submitted songs will be shared on social media as well as being played during Well, Well, Well on Monday from 8PM on JOY 94.9.

Song suggestions for the ‘Equality Mixtape’ and accompanying stories can be submitted via Facebook or Twitter #EqualityMixtape

For more information, contact:
Liam Clark
Media Officer
(03) 9865 6700

29 Aug 2017

More than 35 national health organisations unite for equal marriage

36 leading national health organisations have called on the Federal Government to put an end to marriage discrimination and legislate for marriage equality.

More than 35 leading health organisations across the nation have united together and called on the Federal Government to legislate for marriage equality and put an end to marriage discrimination.

Tiernan Brady, Executive Director, The Equality Campaign welcomed the statement, “It’s easy in the middle of all the politics to forget what or rather who this is about.

“Marriage equality is about real people, our friends and family, teammates and work colleagues who just want the same dignity as everyone else in their families. This statement by so many groups representing the people who take care of the health and well being of all Australians is an important and timely reminder of this.

“Our laws should never deliberately marginalize and exclude one group of people. It is time for our politicians to do their job and pass marriage equality. Our family and friends deserve better” Tiernan Brady continued.

Nicolas Parkhill, CEO of ACON said, “There is conclusive evidence that LGBTI people experience higher levels of depression, anxiety disorders, self-harm, suicidal ideation and suicide compared to the general population because of stigma, prejudice,
discrimination and exclusion. These health conditions are exacerbated by the ongoing marriage equality debate in this country. This protracted discourse is harming people, creating segregation and contributing to poorer health outcomes.

“We call on our elected representatives to recognise the negative health consequences of marriage discrimination, to legislate for marriage equality and to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBTI Marriage equality is beyond politics – real people, Australian families, dignity and importantly, health, are at the centre of this issue” Nicholas Parkhill said.

“The Marriage Equality debate is harming the health and wellbeing of Australians. We do not need to debate any longer. We do not need a $160 million plebiscite. What we need is to treat LGBTI Australians with the same dignity and equal rights as everyone else,” Simon Ruth, CEO, Victorian AIDS Council.

“Young people overwhelmingly support marriage equality and tell us it’s a really important issue to them. For ReachOut, supporting marriage equality is a ‘no brainer’," ReachOut CEO, Jono Nicholas said.

For information on the LGBTI communities’ response to the senate inquiry that provides a cross-party pathway for marriage equality go to: http://www.equalitycampaign.org.au/welcome-senate-report

MEDIA: Clint McGilvray 0413 285 186

Leading Health Organisations on the United Statement for Marriage Equality

ACON Health
AIDS Action Council of the ACT (AACACT)
Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM)
Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO)
Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association
Australian Lesbian Medical Association
Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF)
Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA)
Australian Women’s Health Network
Black Dog Institute
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health
Chronic Illness Alliance
Drummond Street Services
EACH Social and Community Health
Family Planning Alliance Australia
Family Planning NSW
Family Planning Tasmania
Family Planning VIC
Family Planning Welfare Association Northern Territory
Life Without Barriers
Mental Health Australia
Mental Health First Aid
MIND Australia
The Equality Campaign is the national campaign to win marriage for all Australians through a vote in Parliament.
Neami National
Northern Territory AIDS and Hepatitis Council (NTAHC)
Public Health Association of Australia
Queensland AIDS Council (QuAC)
Relationships Australia
Sexual Health Quarters (i.e Family Planning WA)
Shine SA (i.e. Family Planning SA)
Tasmanian council on AIDS Hepatitis and Related Diseases (TasCHARD)
Victorian AIDS Council (VAC)
Western Australian AIDS Council (WAAC)

24 Jul 2017

2017 Melbourne Gay Periodic Survey Results

The results of this year’s Melbourne Gay Community Periodic Survey demonstrate a growing community confidence in the efficacy of biomedical HIV prevention strategies amongst gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM). This includes a nearly threefold increase in the uptake of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and over 97% of men living with HIV on treatment having achieved an undetectable viral load (UVL). The 2017 results also recorded the highest ever level of HIV testing which has increased over time to 90% of men in the survey - continuing the upward trend over the last several years.

Conducted by the Centre for Social Research in Health at UNSW, the 2017 survey captured the responses of 2,956 gay men and other MSM to a broad set of questions related to sex, relationships and sexual health.

The proportion of men using PrEP increased from 6% in 2016 to 16% in 2017, with most of the men on PrEP in the 2017 survey (84%) obtaining it from a research study or trial. In Victoria, PrEP has been made available through the PrEP-X study, sponsored by the Victorian Government, Alfred Health, and the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC).

VAC CEO Simon Ruth said that these findings add momentum to prevention efforts across the community.

“This is further evidence that when it comes to HIV prevention, gay men are at the forefront in protecting themselves and others. When taken consistently, PrEP is proven to be close to 99% effective at preventing HIV.”

“What we need now is for the Commonwealth to list PrEP on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme as soon as is possible to ensure all people at risk of HIV can benefit.”

Over 99% of men living with HIV in the survey reported being on HIV treatment and over 97% of those men in treatment having an undetectable viral load – meaning they are not infectious and cannot pass on HIV.

“HIV positive men are playing a substantial role in the low rates of new HIV infections by working to maintain an undetectable viral load,” said Brent Allan, CEO of Living Positive Victoria.

“There is increasing evidence that UVL amongst men living with HIV will be a key factor in the decline of new diagnoses in Australia.”

The majority (87.7%) of HIV positive men who have condomless sex with casual partners reported UVL as their primary risk reduction strategy.

“Biomedical HIV prevention tools mean that safe, condomless sex is possible; however, PrEP and UVL won’t protect people from other STIs so it’s important that sexually active men test regularly to maintain their sexual health and wellbeing,” Mr Ruth said.

The 2017 survey results around testing are encouraging with 77% of men testing for HIV in the previous 12 months (the highest level recorded in the survey) and an increase in the proportion of men reporting 3 or more HIV tests in the previous year (30% in 2017). Over 92% of men living with HIV reported an STI test in the previous 12 months, and STI testing amongst HIV negative men is continuing to rise with nearly 78% having tested in the past 12 months.

28 Jun 2017

Victoria’s new HIV Strategy emphasises the importance of a community-led response

28 JUNE 2017 - The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) welcomes the Andrews Government’s announcement of Victoria’s HIV strategy for 2017-2020 - setting the bar higher as we approach the global targets of 90-90-90 in HIV diagnosis, treatment, and viral suppression and recognising the importance of the community-controlled response in reaching those goals.

Announced this morning by Minister for Health, the Hon Jill Hennessy, the plan aims to renew and reaffirm Victoria’s commitment to the vital elimination of new HIV transmissions by 2020 by working closely with those communities most affected.

“We applaud the Government on their dedication to working with the community-controlled organisations in the ongoing response to HIV in Victoria,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth. “This plan recognises that HIV affects a broad range of people, including women and members of the trans and gender diverse community, as well as acknowledges that HIV continues to disproportionately affect gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.”

“As the Government affirms that ‘in Victoria, equality is not negotiable’, we want to ensure this disparity in health outcomes is addressed.”

The strategy also recognises the important role HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) will continue to play in HIV prevention. The PrEP-X study in Victoria now has 3,800 people enrolled and expects to reduce new HIV infections by 30 percent.
“Victoria’s rapid enrolment rates in PrEP-X have demonstrated that the community is serious about taking control of their sexual health and wellbeing and accessing this game-changing tool in HIV prevention,” said Ruth.

“Our plan forward will need to be a comprehensive one ensuring HIV testing is accessible and affordable to everyone and that we respond to the needs of people living with HIV - in particular, those aging with HIV.”

22 May 2017

VAC responds to PrEP-X Victoria Seroconversion

VAC has learned that a person on the Victorian PrEPX study has seroconverted and become HIV positive. There are two ways that this may have occurred.

  • If a person is not adherent to their PrEP regimen (taking the prescribed dose regularly) it is possible that they would not be protected against acquiring HIV;
  • If a person comes into contact with a person living with HIV who has detectable viral load together with a strain of the virus that is resistant to PrEP medication it is possible (although extremely rare) that they might acquire that viral strain of HIV.

“Currently there are over 100,000 individuals who are taking PrEP globally as a way to protect themselves against HIV acquisition. To date there have been no confirmed cases in Australia of a person on PrEP being infected with a drug-resistant HIV,” commented VAC CEO, Simon Ruth.

“There have been no reported occurrences of widespread PrEP failure here or around the world where in many locations PrEP is approved and subsidised. The vast majority of people taking PrEP in this country and around the world continue to be protected by this powerful HIV prevention tool.”

Mr Ruth went on to stress the importance of continuing to consider all options when it comes to HIV prevention.
“It is important that gay men and all people at risk of HIV infection consider and decide on the best way to protect themselves from the range of safe sex options available to them,” he said.

For more information or comment, contact Liam Clark on liam.clark@vac.org.au or (03) 9865 6700

10 May 2017

VAC, JOY 94.9 and Switchboard partner to recognise volunteers at inaugural L.O.V.E. — LGBTI Organisations Volunteer Event

Last night, as part of National Volunteers Week, the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) partnered with community radio station JOY 94.9 and LGBTI telephone and webchat counselling service Switchboard Victoria to host L.O.V.E. - LGBTI Organisations Volunteer Event. Held at St Kilda Town Hall, the event recognises the vital contributions volunteers have made to the work of these three organisations in supporting LGBTI communities.

While JOY and VAC volunteers regularly combine forces with the Laird Hotel at Northside Bizarre each October, this is the first time the three community organisations have partnered together to recognise the substantial contribution of volunteers.

L.O.V.E. sees the three LGBTI community organisations combine forces to recognise and celebrate the remarkable contribution of volunteers on a grander scale. The event recognised a number of long-serving volunteers having served at least 5, 10, 15, 25 and even 30 years of service as a volunteer.

“Volunteers are the lifeblood that keeps organisations like ours alive,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth. “Without our volunteers, none of us could operate the services we provide to the community. It is only fitting that we celebrate and formally recognise the longstanding contribution volunteers have made.”

JOY CEO Tenille Moisel added, “JOY is thrilled to work with VAC and Switchboard to recognise our volunteers for the tremendous support they provide our organisations and the broader LGBTI community.”

Switchboard General Manager, Jo Ball highlighted the collaborative nature of volunteers in our community.

“Considering that many Switchboard volunteers also volunteer at VAC and JOY it only makes sense to hold a joint event. As we all know, we are stronger together, and I look forward to continuing to find projects that VAC, Switchboard and JOY can collaborate on.”

The event included performances from the Melbourne Rainbow Band and invited guests include City of Port Phillip Mayor Cr Bernadine Voss with Victoria Police Gay and Lesbian Liason Officers (GLLO) Gabby Tyacke and Travis Costelow to host the event.

24 Mar 2017

VAC supports the Council of Australian Governments calling on the Federal Government to fund PrEP.

The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) supports the call by the State and Territory Health Ministers, lead by Victoria’s Minister Jill Hennessy, to the Federal Government to fund pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) access nationally, ensuring availability for all Australians. Access to PrEP is vital to reaching the target of virtually eliminating new HIV transmissions by 2020, as established by the National HIV Strategy.

Furthermore, VAC welcomes the Andrews Government’s announcement of a further $100,000 of funding to the PrEPX trial – making PrEP accessible to more Victorians at risk of HIV. This further funding puts this highly effective HIV prevention tool in the hands of an estimated 600 additional Victorians.

PrEP is a powerful HIV prevention tool, where HIV-negative people take medication every day to almost completely reduce their risk of contracting HIV.

Following its initial investment in the PrEPX trial, VAC committed an additional $100,000 to PrEPX in January in order to meet overwhelming demand after the trial met capacity. At that time, the organisation also called upon the Federal Government to fund PrEP access nationally.

This additional funding means that those currently on the waiting list will be able to access PrEP; however, this additional expansion alone will not be enough to stem the need in the community for this powerful HIV prevention method. The Victorian PrEPX trial has been the fastest enrolled clinical trial of PrEP anywhere in the world.

“This further commitment from the Andrews Government is an important step, but now we need the Federal Government to take action,” said VAC CEO Simon Ruth.

“The fact that so many are enrolling in the trial shows real motivation by the public to take responsibility their sexual health and the prevention of HIV transmission. At this stage, the Federal Government needs to acknowledge that community demand and demonstrate their commitment to making PrEP accessible and affordable to everyone as quickly as possible.”

At this point in time, half of Australia’s states and territories have no current government supported access to PrEP; South Australia and Western Australia are due to commence trials in the coming months, while Tasmania and the Northern Territory are without government supported access entirely.

Even among the states and territories with trials, only the New South Wales trial is currently uncapped. This leaves those seeking PrEP access in Victoria, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory at the mercy of waiting lists that rely on unpredictable and unreliable funding.

“This level of inequity and inconsistency in PrEP access across the states is shameful and harmful,” said Michael Whelan of community PrEP activist group PrEPaccessNOW.

“The Federal Government cannot stand idly by and just hope that this issue will simply fix itself. PrEP works — and federal funding is essential to ensure PrEP access to all Australians.”

VAC calls on the Commonwealth Minister for Health and his department to:
• Support equitable access to PrEP across Australia.
• Work with the states and territories to ensure that equitable access to PrEP is available for all Australians at high risk of HIV.
• Encourage the Turnbull Government to fast track the listing of PrEP on the PBS.

VAC President Chad Hughes stressed the importance of PrEP in reducing new HIV transmissions.

“We would like to thank Minister Hennessy for continuing to support the PrEPX trial and helping thousands of Victorians at risk of HIV to access PrEP. We look forward to a time when access to this important tool in the fight to end HIV is available to everyone who needs it.”

If you live in Victoria or South Australia and wish to enrol in the PrEPX trials, visit the Alfred Health PrEPX website by following the link to: https://www.alfredhealth.org.au/prepx

For more information about whether PrEP is right for you, or about personal importation, see the following links:

PrEP’D For Change web site: http://www.prepdforchange.com/
PrEPaccessNOW web site: https://www.prepaccessnow.com.au/

23 Feb 2017

VAC welcomes Victorian Government funding for LGBTI-specific intimate partner and family violence services

The Victorian AIDS Council (VAC) welcomes the announcement from the
Victorian Government of $145,000 to support specialist services for LGBTI communities around
intimate partner and family violence. The funding was announced by Minister for Families and
Children Jenny Mikakos as part of a major boost to the state’s response in this area.
Since 2003, VAC has run a men’s responsibility program modelled on the longstanding No To
Violence Men’s Behaviour Change Program, aimed at same-sex attracted men. This program
has aimed to provide a legitimate treatment option for those men who use violence in their
relationships as well as for their partners, who very often try to cope in silence with the
devastating impacts of intimate partner violence upon their health, mental health and safety.
VAC CEO Simon Ruth applauded the government in funding these vital services for Victoria’s
LGBTI communities.
“VAC welcomes the acknowledgement from the state government around the need for
increased specialist services for the LGBTI communities experiencing intimate partner and
family violence,” Ruth said.
“Research demonstrates that our communities experience family violence at comparable rates
to mainstream populations. However, the resources haven’t been there to adequately offer
treatment services or community based support in response to one of the most critical social
problems impacting upon the health and wellbeing for LGBTI individuals and families. This
announcement will enable us to identify best practice, evidence-based treatment models and
establish more effective treatment for the LGBTI community.”
Wendy Brokenshire, Manager of VAC’s Counselling and AOD Services Program, said the
organisation would continue to work with other agencies to expand and develop these programs
and services.
“Prior to today’s announcement, VAC had been engaging with other agencies in the family
violence sector to explore partnerships for providing services to our communities,” Brokenshire
“We see this current social policy environment as a groundbreaking and extremely positive
acknowledgment to our communities that they are no longer going to be marginalised in the
area of intimate and family violence.”


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