Save or Shave

Date: Saturday 11 May, 2019
Time: 7.30p.m. – 10.00p.m.
Address: The Laird Hotel, 149 Gipps Street Abbotsford VIC
Five bearded beauties will put their luscious locks on the line to raise funds for the David Williams Fund - AND YOU DECIDE THE OUTCOME!
Donate to 'Save'
Donate to 'Shave'
Hosted by the fabulous Dean Arcuri, this Melbourne Rubber Man 2018 Major Fundraiser will include:
- live auction (with some incredible prizes)
- lucky door prizes
- Best Dressed prizes
- fetish demo
Plus, you will have front row seats to see what happens!
Will these hirsute gents see their bountiful bushes buzzed off? Or will they live another lovely beard-ly day?
If you win an auction item, you choose where your money goes - to save or to shave!
The outcome with the MOST votes decides everyone’s fate -
If "SAVE" wins, they keep their lush locks.
If "SHAVE" wins, they're all going under the razor!
All proceeds from each outcome is donated directly to the David Williams Fund.
Please note: The Laird is a Men only Venue: VCAT H349/2018