Gay Asian Proud (GAP): Midsumma Show and Dinner

Date: Saturday 24 April, 2021
Time: 3.40p.m. – 8.00p.m.
Address: Chapel Off Chapel
12 Little Chapel Street
Prahran, VIC 3181
Celebrate Midsumma with GAP! Meet GAP members for a laugh at Dolly Diamond's comedy and then for dinner after the show!
Register to attend
Gay Asian Proud (GAP) celebrates Midsumma with an outing at Dolly Diamond’s Star for a Night comedy followed by dinner at The Thai On Chapel (76 Chapel Street, Windsor).
This outing is exclusively for current GAP members and their guests only. The first 15 orders from GAP members for the show on Saturday, 24 April 2021 at 4pm will enjoy a $20 subsidy per ticket, per person, courtesy of Gay Asian Proud (GAP) and Thorne Harbour Health. GAP will reimburse every member and their one other guest who attend the show as part of the GAP Midsumma Outing $20 per ticket, per person. Members need to book their own tickets at either Midsumma or Chapel Off Chapel.
A dinner gathering at The Thai On Chapel (76 Chapel Street, Windsor) will follow immediately after the show finishes. GAP members who are unable to attend the show are welcome to join the group dinner at 6.30pm.
GAP members who wish to attend either the show or dinner or both must register at Eventbrite.
Ticket subsidy available to GAP members only. If you are not a GAP member yet, first click the link below to join GAP, then register at Eventbrite to attend the event.
Terms and conditions
- Only the first 15 orders from GAP members who are currently registered on GAP's mailing list will qualify for the ticket subsidy ($20 subsidy per ticket, per person).
- The $20 ticket subsidy will apply only to the show, Dolly Diamond’s Star for a Night, on Saturday 24 April 2021 at 4pm. It cannot be used for other performances or Midsumma shows.
- GAP members must make their own bookings at Midsumma or Chapel Off Chapel, and pay for their own tickets. Members must submit their order confirmation numbers to GAP at Eventbrite to enjoy the $20 ticket subsidy. Members are encouraged to check the available subsidised places remaining at Eventbrite before booking their own tickets. No reservation or hold on the ticket subsidy is allowed.
- Members must attend the show in person on Saturday, 24 April 2021 at 4pm to collect the subsidy in cash from the GAP coordinator.
- The ticket subsidy can also be used for the GAP member's one other guest who attends the same show with them e.g. a family member, partner, colleague or friend of a GAP member. The GAP member and their guest must attend the same show together.
- In the event that the GAP member pays less than $20 per ticket e.g. discounted tickets, GAP will provide a subsidy of up to the value of the ticket paid by the GAP member. No subsidy will be provided to GAP members who attend the show with complimentary tickets e.g. tickets that cost $0.00.
- We want to make this Midsumma outing accessible to GAP members from all socio-economic backgrounds. GAP members who experience financial challenges and wish to attend the show are encouraged to email GAP at to explain their circumstances. Further financial assistance may be available to help GAP members attend the show. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
- In the event that the show is cancelled due to COVID social restrictions, the ticket subsidy will be not offered. GAP members may contact Midsumma or Chapel Off Chapel to request for a refund for the tickets they purchase.