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By choosing to support Thorne Harbour Health, you are helping in the fight against HIV, and contributing to solutions that enable a world where all sexually and gender diverse people live with dignity and equal rights, participating fully in our society.

Thorne Harbour Health works to strengthen the independence, dignity, health and wellbeing of people living with HIV (PLHIV) and LGBTIQ+ communities, reduce the transmission of HIV and STIs, and enhance health outcomes for PLHIV. In particular, Thorne Harbour Health is invested in bringing the AIDS epidemic to an end.

By making a tax-deductible donation today, you will be helping to continue and improve the services and activities we provide, including:

  • HIV risk reduction education campaigns
  • Health promotion services for LGBTIQ+ people
  • Counselling and mental health services
  • Suicide prevention and intervention
  • A safe and comfortable space to access essential practical and emotional support services
  • Specialist medical practitioners, who provide bulk bill testing and treatment
  • Emergency financial relief including food, clothing and furniture
  • In-home care and community support
  • Therapeutic treatments and groups

Every dollar you donate helps make a difference. By choosing one of the options below, you could help save a life.

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Make a one-off donation or become a regular donor and make a difference to someone’s life.

  • $30 will provide a food voucher
  • $50 will subsidise essential services such as utilities
  • $100 will help provide emergency accommodation
  • $200 will assist with medication costs
  • $500 will support someone returning to study

One-off donation - You can choose to make a one-off donation that will help support the many vital services and activities that Thorne Harbour Health provides to PLHIV and LGBTIQ+ communities. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

Regular donations By becoming a regular monthly donor you can help us plan ahead and commit to long-term projects. It’s the most effective way we can work together to create lasting change.

Download a donation form to make a postal donation (PDF 18kb) – complete and return to us.

Bank Deposit If you would like to make a direct donation to our bank account, please see our details below and ensure you notify us so we can contact you to say thank you and provide a tax receipt.

Name: Victorian AIDS Council T/A Thorne Harbour Health Bank: Westpac BSB: 033157 Account: 818485

Contact us

Phone: (03) 9865 6700 or 1800 134 840 (free call for callers from regional and rural areas) Email: fundraising@thorneharbour.org

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Donating to Thorne Harbour Health in memory of a loved one is a meaningful way to celebrate and commemorate their life. Your donation, which may be in lieu of flowers at a funeral, is a tribute that can assist us in supporting people living with or affected by HIV, and targeting our efforts on those most at risk of HIV transmission.

We are extremely grateful to those who donate to us in memory of a loved one, for demonstrating such generosity during a time of personal sadness. There are a number of ways you can make an 'In memory' donation:

Your gift is tax-deductible and you will receive a receipt shortly after making your donation. Upon request and where contact details are available, the next of kin will be written to, to provide details of donations received in memory of their loved one.

In memory cards and envelopes

If you require in memory donation cards and envelopes to distribute at a funeral, please phone (03) 9865 6700, or ask the funeral director to make these arrangements on your behalf.

Contact us

Phone: (03) 9865 6700 or 1800 134 840 (free call for callers from regional and rural areas)

Email: fundraising@thorneharbour.org

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Leave a gift for a brighter future.

We know that your first priority when making a will is to provide for your loved ones, but many people find that even after they’ve done this they can leave something to a cause they hold dear. While the subject of writing a will is one that few of us like to think about, it is important to ensure your will provides for those who are important to you, and ensures your wishes are honoured in the event of your passing.

Leaving Thorne Harbour Health a gift in your will is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support us. It costs nothing during your lifetime but can have a powerful impact for years to come.

If you would like to write or amend your will to include Thorne Harbour Health, we strongly recommend that you seek independent legal advice. A solicitor will be able to advise you on the type of bequest to suit your circumstances.

Leaving a bequest to our organisation is an incredibly meaningful gift, which will help us provide a brighter future for people affected by or at risk of HIV, by helping to fund our Nutritional Services, so that people living with HIV, who are often living below the poverty line, can obtain free or affordable food, or assist by providing individuals living with HIV with grants to fund specific essential items, household bills or study assistance.

There are three main types of bequests you can leave in your will:

  • Residual: Funds left over after all other provisions have been made
  • Percentage: A percentage of your estate
  • Specific: A fixed sum from your estate

You could also consider leaving an item of value, such as a property or work of art.

Money that is left to Thorne Harbour Health in your will is paid before tax is deducted and therefore offers you a way of reducing the total amount of inheritance tax due from your estate.

Suggested wording for wills:

"I give (free of any relevant duties): [Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below]

  1. The whole of my estate
  2. [insert number] percentage of my estate
  3. The residue of my estate
  4. The sum of $ [insert the value of your first in cash]

to Thorne Harbour Health Limited, 200 Hoddle Street Abbotsford 3067, for its general purposes. The receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of Thorne Harbour Health Ltd is an absolute discharge to my Trustee or Executor.”

Where to get further information:

We would advise all donors to seek independent advice when making major decisions relating to a personal financial and taxation situation.

Contact us

If you would like to include Thorne Harbour Health in your will, or for a confidential discussion about leaving a bequest please call us on (03) 9865 6700 or 1800 134 840 (free call for callers from regional and rural areas), or email fundraising@thorneharbour.org

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Donating through your workplace or payroll giving is a tax-effective way to support our work. Because your donation is taken from your salary before tax is deducted, it costs you less and the Australian Tax Office gives us the tax it would otherwise have kept. You can donate regularly and sometimes your employer even matches your donations, so be sure to check!

Thorne Harbour Health is already registered with the following workplace giving platforms however you may be able to nominate us if your employer administers donations through another:

To find out more about payroll giving contact your employer today.

Thorne Harbour Health Donation Form 201127

PDF 196.7 KB

Thorne Harbour Health In Memory Donation Form 201127

PDF 364.5 KB


Thorne Harbour relies upon your continued support
