
The Drama Downunder
Get tested, get treated, No Drama! As our longest running campaign, Drama Downunder aims to destigmatise STIs and getting a sexual health check-up. It provides information and advice to gay and other homosexually active men on the signs and symptoms of different STIs, how to get tested, and how they are treated.
It also allows you to sign up for a reminder of when your next sexual health check is, notify sexual partners anonymously that they need to get checked for an STI, find local clinics and services near you, and search by STI symptom.
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ReThink the Drink
ReThink the Drink seeks to inspire alcohol culture change amongst LGBTIQ women. Studies have shown LGBTIQ women engage in risky drinking behaviours at higher levels than their heterosexual counterparts. The project also includes women who have shared their stories about alcohol use.
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HIV Still Matters
HIV Still Matters features the personal stories of people living with HIV who discuss issues about disclosing their status and their experiences being diagnosed with HIV. It aims to provide insight into the stigma and discrimination that still exists for people living with HIV. It aims to highlight the important reasons why HIV Still Matters.
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What Works
What Works is all about doing What Works for you to prevent HIV, covering the leading and most effective prevention methods like Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, Undetectable Viral Load, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis and Condoms. This website will give you all the details you need to figure out what works for you to prevent HIV. It is also available in Portuguese, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Chinese.
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Down An' Dirty
Down an' Dirty is aimed at sexually adventurous men, and looks at the kinkier side of sexual pleasure and sexual health. It provides health information around kink and fetish practices, alongside personal stories, and opportunities to submit questions to health professionals and experts.
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Staying Negative
Staying Negative uses storytelling to promote sexual and broader health issues. It features over 50 gay and bisexual men telling their stories about coming out, first sexual experiences, open relationships and more. This campaign explores the lived experiences of both HIV positive and HIV negative gay, bisexual and trans men who have sex with men. Through the use of storytelling, these guys tell their own experiences of life, sex, love and everything else in between – both bad and good.
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Treat HIV Now
Treat HIV Now campaign focuses on explaining the benefits of commencing HIV treatments sooner after diagnosis rather than delaying the decision. It provides a range of information and advice for both HIV positive and HIV negative gay and other homosexually active men about Treatment as Prevention, a biomedical prevention tool used to prevent the onwards transmission of HIV, living with HIV and about HIV treatments themselves.
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Being Brendo
Previously known as Queer as Fxxk, Being Brendo is an online soap opera that follows the lives of three gay men in a share house. Follow Brendan, Aaron, Davo and Peter around through their hook-ups, break-ups and more.
This unique health promotion campaign is an online web series following the lives of several gay men living in a share house in Melbourne. It covers topics such as coming out, relationships, HIV, sex and everything else in between.
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